Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
Time travel becomes possible Row 1
Disease cured with candy Row 2
World's biggest Mind Map produced Row 3
Millionaire gambles away fortune Row 4
Oranges become watermelons Row 5
Brazil prohibits football Row 6
Clothes shop opens on nudist beach Row 7
All bags made of paper Row 8
Women better at memorizing than men Row 9
First embassy on Pluto Row 10
World diabetes day is created Row 11
Hair straightener activated per USB Row 12
Mine digs through Earth Row 13
Speaker loses her voice Row 14
Picasso sketch masterpiece Row 15
The moon is cubical Row 16
Air car wins Grand Prix Row 17
Pandemic stopped Row 18
Taxes rise Row 19
Prime minister on maternity leave Row 20
Ferris wheel made of plastic Row 21
Swimmer crosses ocean Row 22
Dieting woman halves weight Row 23
New dinosaur founded out Row 24
World Epidemic stopped Row 25
Couple gets divorced Row 26
First hair extension breaks Row 27
Animals conspire against humanity Row 28
Underground sea detected Row 29
Entrepreneur retires aged fourteen Row 30
Crocodile studies geography Row 31
Landmark moved Row 32
Princess born Row 33
Moses swims across the sea Row 34
Lava comes out of tap Row 35
Bats fly during daytime Row 36
Waiter serves wrong order Row 37
Earth spins away Row 38
Crane lifts shipwreck Row 39
Memory champion becomes president Row 40
Page 2
Drought wiped away Row 41
Nurse runs for parliamentary election Row 42
Planet leavs orbit of sun Row 43
Island dives into the sea Row 44
The people stop paying bills Row 45
Cat inherits department store Row 46
Computer not invented Row 47
On TV: Who wants a millionaire? Row 48
God revealed Row 49
Horse backflips an obstacle Row 50
Grass stops growing Row 51
Imagination officially trumps knowledge Row 52
Trumpet plays loudly Row 53
Newly crowned king abdicates Row 54
Grandmother abducted by aliens Row 55
World map is redrawn Row 56
Tornado devastates town Row 57
Friend lost at supermarket Row 58
Carpenter makes wooden car Row 59
Air pressure mashes potato Row 60
First memory lesson Row 61
Scandal in stock exchange Row 62
Entrepreneurs open schools for children Row 63
Phone calls spirit Row 64
Mirror is secret portal Row 65
God lands on earth Row 66
Ski jumper overflies everything Row 67
Party at the parliament Row 68
Antique lace bonnet catches fire Row 69
Policeman arrests a puppet Row 70
Black hole passes earth Row 71
Tropical heat throughout the world Row 72
Steel man moves house Row 73
Star proven to be planet Row 74
Romantic novelist wins award Row 75
Army resigns Row 76
Shop stops selling Row 77
Boy sacrifices computer game to Jesus Row 78
Chameleon does not change colour Row 79
Fireman flamed for bad work Row 80
Page 3
Three buttocks more common than two Row 81
Storm destroys city Row 82
Plastic bags prohibited Row 83
Pluto leaves solar system Row 84
Excavator digs up ice cream Row 85
New sport invented Row 86
World hunger eradicated Row 87
Brain declared as World Heritage Row 88
Naked man foils pickpocket Row 89
Tennis player wins last ball Row 90
Robots granted same rights as people Row 91
Loudspeaker breaks down during concert Row 92
Sun stops heating Row 93
Singer loses voice Row 94
Car company cheats again Row 95
Heavy goods vehicles run on electricity Row 96
Cyclist makes world tour Row 97
Amazon grows back Row 98
Wax enters the market Row 99
Battlefield becomes war memorial Row 100
Road sweeper wins lottery Row 101
Little Girl talks to neighbour Row 102
Baby develops arm in nose Row 103
Christmas is cancelled Row 104
Wimbledon closed down Row 105
Man plays glasses Row 106
Dance band plays out of tune Row 107
New island found Row 108
DaVinci dissects cow Row 109
Human rights become law Row 110
Giraffe released from Zoo Row 111
No more antibiotics Row 112
King lies about his age Row 113
Rare orchid auctioned Row 114
Last illness wiped out Row 115
Nose starts runninng Row 116
King stands for election Row 117
Pilot sleeps while driving Row 118
Clock goes backwards Row 119
Ice cream man drives a hand-cart Row 120
Page 4
New organs cultivated Row 121
New flavour is developed Row 122
Plague of leeches strikes town Row 123
Psychologist goes mad Row 124
New Eiffel tower in Rome Row 125
Leopard goes vegan Row 126
Industrialist opens new factory Row 127
Planes on the highway Row 128
Dancing is made illegal Row 129
Bus with tree floors built Row 130
Caps banned Row 131
Poker player has to laugh Row 132
Pupil learns everything Row 133
All trains on schedule Row 134
Glasses made of diamond Row 135
Blacksmith hits the anvil Row 136
New egg diet Row 137
Still waiting for Godot Row 138
Photographer in scandal Row 139
First human on Mars Row 140
Fishes go on mountain trip Row 141
Chess- man beats machine again Row 142
Human born from chicken egg Row 143
Hedgehogs trained to collect litter Row 144
Moon falls from sky Row 145
Fanatics wave banner Row 146
Camel passing through Alaska Row 147
Student gets B on blood test Row 148
Spanish new international language Row 149
Trick or treat at the palace Row 150
Cow eats bull Row 151
Wooden houses not allowed after fire Row 152
Wheeled mattress most common vehicle Row 153
Fysiotherapist breaks an arm Row 154
Bouncy ball bounces to the beat Row 155
Banker donates to charity Row 156
World’s best swimmer drowns Row 157
New cutlery introduced Row 158
Diamond falls off bracelet Row 159
Artist paints invisible portrait Row 160
Page 5
All religions agree tolerance Row 161
Last blue whale dies Row 162
Cocktail bar serves water Row 163
Deposed queen gains power Row 164
All kings meet Row 165
Africa is a lush oasis Row 166
Human city on moon Row 167
Tortoise wins speed race Row 168
Little girl catches cold Row 169
Eclips of moon Row 170
Flags prohibits Row 171
Traffic jam on all roads Row 172
Self-cleaning clothes become popular Row 173
No-one sleeps on lecture Row 174
A moment lasts forever Row 175


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