Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
Blacksmith hits the anvil Row 1
Invisible painting stolen Row 2
Computer smarter than humans Row 3
Fire fighter takes world tour Row 4
Smart phones get too smart Row 5
Soccer ball bounces into goal Row 6
Shipwrecked castaway rescued Row 7
Space rocket lands on moon Row 8
Racist party charged with hate crime Row 9
Banker donates bonus to charity Row 10
Recipe book sold out Row 11
House owner sells house Row 12
Construction worker becomes fashion designer Row 13
Pensioners refuses to quit work Row 14
River running in circle Row 15
Scouts make TV show Row 16
Wolves become tame Row 17
Shops run out of winter jackets Row 18
Bowling is played at the office Row 19
Parrot employed as radio presenter Row 20
Cloudy for one year Row 21
New disease discovered Row 22
Celebrity becomes unknown Row 23
Computer problems at the Pentagon Row 24
Last facial transplant performed Row 25
Elvis back, had been hiding Row 26
Taxis work for free Row 27
Postcard shows our innermost fear Row 28
Landscape architect gets it wrong Row 29
Chef overcooks food Row 30
Monarch supports culture Row 31
Monkey apes on TV Row 32
Smart PC turns off automatically Row 33
Horse wins rosette Row 34
China becomes Communist again Row 35
High pressure steam cleaner invented Row 36
Apple falls Row 37
Zebra loses strips Row 38
Walrus found on mountain top Row 39
Sale on time machines Row 40
Page 2
President is fired Row 41
Love spares no-one Row 42
Sponge-Bob really exists Row 43
Jupiter leaves orbit Row 44
Bionic arm-wrestler disqualified Row 45
James Bond fulfills his mission Row 46
Broken dinner finally fixed Row 47
Earth gets a second satellite Row 48
Sea dries off Row 49
Olympic athlete wins hoops Row 50
Jupiter's moon becomes habitable for humans Row 51
Cat chases ambulance Row 52
Fierce warriors frightened of snake Row 53
Friend lost at supermarket Row 54
Largest diamond ever found Row 55
Weightlifter lifts himself Row 56
Fasting begins Row 57
Mummies are alive Row 58
Poseidon starts giving swimming lessons Row 59
Greece sells its islands Row 60
Film star makes new film Row 61
Universe is an illusion Row 62
Millionaire gambles away fortune Row 63
Opera performed in space Row 64
Entire USA undergoes power cut Row 65
FIFA World Cup cancelled Row 66
No cigarette butts on avenue Row 67
Snake swallows candle Row 68
Guitarist plays the piano Row 69
Carrot machine invented Row 70
Strict school teacher retired Row 71
Ginseng becomes a children's drink Row 72
New galaxy found Row 73
Boy learns times tables Row 74
Fly in soup becomes new dish Row 75
Everybody hides Row 76
Confused duck flies north in winter Row 77
Plane reachers speed of light Row 78
Book starts to fly Row 79
Oldest tree burns down Row 80
Page 3
Good trade deal agreed Row 81
Pyramids are actually spaceships Row 82
New world record in swimming Row 83
Bakers bake baked goods Row 84
New island found Row 85
Watermelon filled with water Row 86
Crew go on strike Row 87
Landing at sea Row 88
Bees sell honey Row 89
Dancers dance for a year Row 90
Billionaire refuses to be poor Row 91
Parrot wins World Memory Championship Row 92
Dog flies round the world Row 93
Sausage flavoured ice-cream dessert Row 94
HGV overloaded Row 95
First hotel on the moon Row 96
Tsunami warning cancelled Row 97
Bread declared unhealthy Row 98
Juggler earns a fortune Row 99
Asteroid vessel found Row 100
All electricity runs out Row 101
Work voluntarily Row 102
Pomegranate explodes Row 103
Samurai looses his sword Row 104
Beach overrun by tourists Row 105
Dance band plays out of tune Row 106
A king ascended Row 107
Chef burns sausage Row 108
Frogs use cell phones Row 109
Gardeners cut the grass Row 110
Mushroom takes over in the forest Row 111
Corn in all food products Row 112
Earthquake in Portugal Row 113
Ice skater eats lolly Row 114
Giraffe looks into the distance Row 115
Vet cures teddy bear Row 116
Girl buys rugby ball Row 117
Revolution of the cone people Row 118
Snake eats lion Row 119
Book fair stops selling books Row 120
Page 4
Jupiter gets new moon Row 121
Residential Brain training Row 122
Dante watches sunrise Row 123
Paris-New York underground tunnel Row 124
Chess match on Venus Row 125
Cat inherits department store Row 126
Alarm clocks prohibited Row 127
Earth begins to grow Row 128
Mosquito squashes elephant Row 129
Coffee fuels rocket Row 130
Reporter wins Olympics Row 131
Pets are allowed to vote Row 132
War becomes illegal Row 133
Extraterrestrials live among humans Row 134
Nuclear plants are prohibited Row 135
Puppet does flips Row 136
Pot cooking food for everyone Row 137
Fat man loses weight Row 138
Country people swim in reef Row 139
Tourism is taxed Row 140
New musical instrument invented Row 141
Noone wins on the lottery Row 142
President reanimated Row 143
Robot buried next to its owner Row 144
Teenager walks to South Pole Row 145
Unseen star explodes Row 146
Every road covered with gold Row 147
Taxes banished Row 148
Couple marries Row 149
First sex change Row 150
Lava comes out of tap Row 151
Enrolled escapes home Row 152
Emperor's old clothes found Row 153
Glasses made of diamond Row 154
Cows give cream Row 155
Train on time Row 156
Fanatics wave banner Row 157
Lifeguard drowns in beautiful eyes Row 158
Landing on jupiter moon Row 159
Natural disaster delayed Row 160
Page 5
Angola becomes world's richest country Row 161
Aliens candidate for elections Row 162
Toilet paper shortage Row 163
First brain transplant operation Row 164
Lizard race in courtyard Row 165
Swimmingpools filled with soft drinks Row 166
Bat forgets how to fly Row 167
All of Europe flooded Row 168
Lens clouds over Row 169
Global peace Row 170
Spain takes siesta Row 171
Clothes tried in court Row 172
Olympic games held on moon Row 173
Pig becomes farmer Row 174
Beetle sheds wings Row 175


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