Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
Queen crowned naked Row 1
Fly in soup becomes new dish Row 2
Grape imports halted Row 3
Sealions swim round the world Row 4
Boss sacks entire staff Row 5
Robot learns speaking Row 6
World memory champion elected president Row 7
Talking birds bring news around Row 8
Banker sells forgery kits Row 9
Salsa dancers dance Samba Row 10
Broken dinner finally fixed Row 11
Diamond turns back into coal Row 12
Employees work in swimsuit Row 13
Lizard race in courtyard Row 14
Bride and groom get married Row 15
Black hole passes earth Row 16
Landing at sea Row 17
Dancers dance for a year Row 18
Small brain becomes big Row 19
Arab studies Aristotle Row 20
Bear shoots hunter Row 21
Excavator digs up ice cream Row 22
Wine consumption increases Row 23
Gorilla learns sign language Row 24
Out of diapers Row 25
Every horse very tiny Row 26
Hunger strike ended Row 27
Drug addict dies Row 28
Noble prize to a banana Row 29
Mouse rescues a princess Row 30
Wimbledon closed down Row 31
Recluse become celebrity Row 32
Komet strikes venus Row 33
Mine digs through Earth Row 34
World language introduced Row 35
Still waiting for Godot Row 36
Golf star in scandal Row 37
Hydropower stops working Row 38
Chemistry lesson is changed Row 39
Earth's center solidifies Row 40
Page 2
Overhead replaces plasma TV Row 41
The last flower blooms Row 42
Cricket player divorces Row 43
Entrepreneurs become farmers Row 44
Rug making gets common Row 45
Paper clip secures bungy jumper Row 46
Elephant completes jigsaw puzzle Row 47
Smoked salmon returns to life Row 48
New island found Row 49
Headwaiter found in soup Row 50
Student is late Row 51
Hundred year-old tree tells sories Row 52
Everyone named Ben Row 53
Chicken wins traditional pony race Row 54
Industrial area contaminated Row 55
President tap dances at prom Row 56
Superheroes classified own race Row 57
Apes drive cars Row 58
Poker player has to laugh Row 59
Priest converts to Buddhism Row 60
Paternal uncle becomes maternal uncle Row 61
Oak tree planted Row 62
Hairdresser clips eagle's wings Row 63
Football match on Mars Row 64
Pea princess cannot sleep Row 65
Countries banned Row 66
Major volcano erupts Row 67
Talking dog gets TV show Row 68
Alexander the Great reads his story Row 69
First man 200 years Row 70
Oil runs out Row 71
Card deck memorized on Mars Row 72
Trumpet plays loudly Row 73
120 kilo pumpkin found Row 74
Oldest plant dies Row 75
Trainer teaches new sport Row 76
Grandad fights in battle Row 77
Government takes over all business Row 78
Ostrich fights on the ring Row 79
Bison faces mental athlete Row 80
Page 3
Glove thrown into the garbage Row 81
Crew go on strike Row 82
Last blue whale dies Row 83
Cartoon character elected president Row 84
Rogue stealing from lemonade stand Row 85
Human city on moon Row 86
Chalk gives students tinnitus Row 87
Book drops from shelf Row 88
Cloned president dies Row 89
Kidney surgery televised live Row 90
Electricity becomes a rarity Row 91
Clothes shop opens on nudist beach Row 92
Deepest hole dug Row 93
Doctor gets sick Row 94
Election is cancelled Row 95
Nun wins the WMC Row 96
Stammering cow speaks out Row 97
Statue is graffitied Row 98
Netherlands changes national colours Row 99
Chinese exercise in bathroom Row 100
Group meditates Row 101
Giraffe released from Zoo Row 102
Nature people detected Row 103
Execution ends in laughter Row 104
World's biggest pizza created Row 105
Pilot wins sack race Row 106
Biologist discovers microbe Row 107
Burqa ban rejected Row 108
New world record in swimming Row 109
Baby remote controls mother Row 110
House owner sells house Row 111
Zodiac changes shape Row 112
Icicle breaks the asphalt Row 113
Santa Claus deathly hurt Row 114
New giant planet found Row 115
Cyclist makes world tour Row 116
World's longest giraffe born Row 117
Prayers held outside Row 118
Fresh strawberries leave bitter taste Row 119
Wind instruments gone with the wind Row 120
Page 4
Last facebook post posted Row 121
Elephant wins memory competition Row 122
Universe proven finite Row 123
Leopard goes vegan Row 124
Chimpanzee flies to Venus Row 125
Coal mine collapses with no casualties Row 126
Chocolate cake new health food Row 127
Greece bankrupt Row 128
Sugar tax introduced Row 129
Photographer takes picture of princess Row 130
Indians colonize Europe Row 131
Great fish catches great fisherman Row 132
Plant grows downwards Row 133
Billionaire wins the lottery Row 134
Dancers dance off the stage Row 135
Fairy princess tired of pink Row 136
Gold runs out Row 137
Weightlifter lifts himself Row 138
Window blind gets stuck Row 139
Dishwasher dishes in one second Row 140
Trick or treat at the palace Row 141
New brain software Row 142
Schoolteachers stop teaching Row 143
Plane cashes into Mount Everest Row 144
Last theatre in town closes down Row 145
Vet cures teddy bear Row 146
Flying bicycle built Row 147
Princess resigns Row 148
Dance band plays out of tune Row 149
Steam powered cars regain popularity Row 150
Dolphin captain on boat Row 151
Manager terminates all Row 152
Money growing on trees Row 153
Soccer player gets divorced Row 154
Chimps get human rights Row 155
The moon leaves earth Row 156
5 km long charger cable Row 157
Camel race won Row 158
Boys' school closed Row 159
It is raining cats and dogs Row 160
Page 5
Hello Kitty not a cat Row 161
Naked man foils pickpocket Row 162
Barbers using chainsaw Row 163
Princess kisses tramp Row 164
Airplane flies out in space Row 165
Female president in China Row 166
Australia covered by snow Row 167
Diamond falls off bracelet Row 168
Egyptian mummy dances Row 169
Planet found on star Row 170
Meteor strikes Row 171
New fish species looks like sushi Row 172
TV gets a cold Row 173
Grandparents go back to school Row 174
Cake seen as health foods Row 175


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