Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
Cancer cure found Row 1
Bus with tree floors built Row 2
Last facebook post posted Row 3
Beetle drops wings Row 4
Secretary awarded Nobel prize Row 5
River Nile floods Row 6
The massage chair is refined Row 7
Ordinary person becomes hero Row 8
All Swedes travel abroad Row 9
Car parks itself Row 10
Universe proven finite Row 11
Dog flies round the world Row 12
Child goes to school Row 13
Mum delivers triplets Row 14
Madagascar below sea level Row 15
Doctor prescribes hot chili Row 16
The sun goes on holiday Row 17
Photographer photographs photon Row 18
New egg diet Row 19
Speaker loses her voice Row 20
Port workers on strike Row 21
Gorilla dances tango Row 22
Politicians fight in parliament Row 23
Butterfly regresses into caterpillar Row 24
Last newspaper printed Row 25
Peace is forgotten Row 26
Helicopter crashes Row 27
Queen takes part in Olympics Row 28
Horse backflips an obstacle Row 29
Olympics held on the Moon Row 30
North Pole melts Row 31
Frog races held in Alaska Row 32
Fox chases hounds Row 33
Entrepreneurs become farmers Row 34
Rabbit befriends toy dog Row 35
Table opens a company Row 36
Fakir offended by nails Row 37
The people stop paying bills Row 38
Destiny not allowed to decide Row 39
Polyglots are half the world population Row 40
Page 2
Wall is painted red Row 41
Broken dinner finally fixed Row 42
Bear plays soccer Row 43
Remote controlled car drives itself Row 44
Spruce tree played by Bruce Lee Row 45
Students win Danish volleyball championship Row 46
Eels meander Row 47
Smart phones get too smart Row 48
Earthling aimlessly chats with aliens Row 49
All beaches are nudist Row 50
Hammock hung between skyscrapers Row 51
Princess resigns Row 52
Pluto renamed Row 53
Attached file falls off Row 54
Green clouds detected Row 55
Soldier is awarded medal Row 56
Meteorite diverted Row 57
Tabloid only mdia Row 58
Farmer grows GMO canola Row 59
Holidays cancelled Row 60
Gas station hands out Nutella Row 61
Superhero loses special powers Row 62
Certificate for big head Row 63
Banana fears the worst Row 64
Neighbour recovers from flu Row 65
Mirror predicts future Row 66
Train on time Row 67
Singer performs in park Row 68
UN moves to March Row 69
Submarine attacked by supermarine Row 70
Golf star in scandal Row 71
Big city square becomes camping site Row 72
Breathing becomes unnecessary Row 73
Dog eats owner's handbag Row 74
Monkey apes on TV Row 75
The air becomes toxic Row 76
Sweden runs on solar power Row 77
Peddle car wins grand prix Row 78
Ikea sells mountable cars Row 79
Lokomotiv invented Row 80
Page 3
Plane reachers speed of light Row 81
Champions league on March Row 82
Grass stops growing Row 83
Wigwam found at North Pole Row 84
Dog lands on moon Row 85
Bananas no longer sold Row 86
Thief dating policeman Row 87
Boy learns times tables Row 88
Fly leaves the atmosphere Row 89
Puppy attacks boyfriend Row 90
Wide man stuck in corridor Row 91
Film star makes new film Row 92
Flying boat invented Row 93
Vacuum cleaner cleans appartement alone Row 94
Pee as car fuel Row 95
Government takes over all business Row 96
Hearing device filters lies Row 97
Elephant gets amnesia Row 98
Snail runs fast Row 99
Air pressure mashes potato Row 100
Kimono is made of silk Row 101
Autumn becomes colourless Row 102
Icicle breaks the asphalt Row 103
Horses wear high heel shoes Row 104
Sieve sieved in sieve for sieves Row 105
Money growing on trees Row 106
Pluto becomes a planet again Row 107
Supporters cheer wrong team Row 108
Pyramids are actually spaceships Row 109
Screens bigger than garage gates Row 110
Railway tunnel built through Denmark Row 111
Teleporting banned Row 112
Bad throw wins olympics Row 113
New country created Row 114
Couple gets divorced Row 115
Crane lifts shipwreck Row 116
Oat milk served in schools Row 117
Bikes banned Row 118
Memory records broken Row 119
Little girl catches cold Row 120
Page 4
Magician levitates vase Row 121
Shake becomes vegetarian Row 122
All vegetables are grown organically Row 123
Oil runs out Row 124
Time travel becomes possible Row 125
Mushrooms dancing in the woods Row 126
Donald Duck comes to life Row 127
Seal balances ball on nose Row 128
Crew strike Row 129
Elephant wins memory competition Row 130
Puppet does flips Row 131
TV switches on by itself Row 132
Card pack memorised in 10 seconds Row 133
All Chinese become vegan Row 134
AudiA4 comes into the market Row 135
Longjumper went too far Row 136
Tempting apple tree cut down Row 137
Girl buys rugby ball Row 138
Bank bankrupt again Row 139
Restaurant runs out of food Row 140
Black is the new black Row 141
Cream whipped into parmesan Row 142
Artist makes wrong brushstroke Row 143
Tigers escape from zoo Row 144
Landing on jupiter moon Row 145
Brain gym made compulsory in schools Row 146
Only rhymed sentences allowed Row 147
UFO lands at the airport Row 148
Endless battery cell phones Row 149
Fire swallower burns palate Row 150
Same day two times Row 151
Space tourism commonplace Row 152
French pilots on strike Row 153
Grandparents go back to school Row 154
Tornado observed on Jupiter Row 155
Kung Fu master fights bear Row 156
First hair extension breaks Row 157
Industrialist opens new factory Row 158
Pumpkin coach declared unroadworthy Row 159
Wolves become tame Row 160
Page 5
Arrow strucks innocent Row 161
Lipstick turns into a weapon Row 162
Freelancer gets a job Row 163
World memory champion elected president Row 164
New memory drink Row 165
Whale runs aground Row 166
Foldable cars a hit Row 167
Enrolled escapes home Row 168
Yoga considered healthy Row 169
Coffee shop serves muddy water Row 170
Computer thinks every possible thought Row 171
Fish researches plankton Row 172
Underwater lake found Row 173
Princess refuses coronation Row 174
Billionaire refuses to be poor Row 175


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