Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
Lab rats take over lab Row 1
Counterfeit banknotes detected Row 2
Book drops from shelf Row 3
New hotel in New York Row 4
Whales watch people Row 5
Cancer can be healed Row 6
Bull jumps on audience tribune Row 7
All vegetables are grown organically Row 8
Skateboarder goes down a mountain Row 9
Visa removed Row 10
Pet fox kept on leash Row 11
Rubbish begging on the street Row 12
Group meditates Row 13
Railway tunnel built through Denmark Row 14
„Burj Dubai“ will be extended Row 15
Author’s new novel Row 16
Landing at sea Row 17
Doping legalised at Olympics Row 18
Spring roll bursts in restaurant Row 19
Frog wins swimming race Row 20
Boy elected as president Row 21
A camera is on Tour Row 22
World Cup for aliens Row 23
Pee as car fuel Row 24
A battle won Row 25
Ambassador interviewed on TV Row 26
Deposed queen gains power Row 27
Princess kisses tramp Row 28
Universe is an illusion Row 29
Fisherman eats old fish Row 30
New diet - eat nothing! Row 31
Painter paints king Row 32
Ancient iPad excavated Row 33
Snowman takes a bath Row 34
Shower toilets popular in Scotland Row 35
Tree chases nests away Row 36
Trick or treat at the palace Row 37
Father of nation betrays country Row 38
Employees work in swimsuit Row 39
Cartoon characters go on strike Row 40
Page 2
Frogs use cell phones Row 41
Train runs over flock of sheep Row 42
Burqa ban rejected Row 43
Youth sprays graffiti on wall Row 44
Earth spins away Row 45
Little toe trips up Row 46
Alarm clocks prohibited Row 47
Steel man moves house Row 48
Alien brushes Row 49
Koala falls Row 50
Worms leave earth Row 51
Copernicus learns words Row 52
Olympic games canceld Row 53
Lamp switches off Row 54
Whisky becomes cats' favourite drink Row 55
Army disbanded Row 56
Man celebrates 122nd birthday Row 57
Basketball player misses the ball Row 58
Prayers held outside Row 59
Quantum physics was all made up Row 60
World memory champion elected president Row 61
Ski jumper overflies everything Row 62
Japan bans nuclear energy Row 63
The world's longest bridge built Row 64
Pumpkin coach declared unroadworthy Row 65
Fire swallower burns palate Row 66
Butterflies collection sold Row 67
Rash stops itching Row 68
Apple falls from tree Row 69
Orangutan gets superpowers Row 70
Meat prices cause riot Row 71
Pear falls on scientist Row 72
Shops run out of winter jackets Row 73
Baboon dancing at the theatre Row 74
Carpenter looses his hammer Row 75
Crime prevented Row 76
Boat sails adrift Row 77
Entrepreneur retires aged fourteen Row 78
Lightning strikes the city Row 79
Liver lives on Row 80
Page 3
Cockerel adopts orphan chicken Row 81
Retirement age set at ninety Row 82
Egyptian mummy dances Row 83
Fire fighter takes world tour Row 84
Dust gathers in the ceiling Row 85
The moon is cubical Row 86
Couple marries Row 87
Piano plays out of tune Row 88
Largest diamond ever found Row 89
Farmer locates phone eaten by cow Row 90
Candy smothers crocodile Row 91
Postcard shows our innermost fear Row 92
Soccer ball bounces into goal Row 93
Politician tells the truth Row 94
Fish found on Jupiter's moon Row 95
Mirror cracks in submarine Row 96
New dinosaur founded out Row 97
Global epidemic prevented Row 98
Glove thrown into the garbage Row 99
Matriarch trembles in front of patriarch Row 100
King executed in public Row 101
Fish swims fast Row 102
Rock'n'roll on retirement home Row 103
Bird falls from tree Row 104
Phone calls spirit Row 105
Olympic pool in the garden Row 106
Politician promises too much Row 107
Implant possible memory Row 108
Ferris wheel made of plastic Row 109
Nuns wear pink habits Row 110
Lifewest latest fashion Row 111
Bully attacked by rabbit Row 112
Party at the parliament Row 113
Wardrobe leads to Gothenburg Row 114
2-brain man discovered Row 115
Government takes permanent vacation Row 116
Island dives into the sea Row 117
Entrepreneurs open schools for children Row 118
Postman is best spy Row 119
Lawyer sentenced in court Row 120
Page 4
Bananas no longer sold Row 121
Bad throw wins olympics Row 122
Mine digs to center of Earth Row 123
Wooden houses not allowed after fire Row 124
Queen takes part in Olympics Row 125
New superhero invented Row 126
The cloud erased by mistake Row 127
Children choir sings opera Row 128
Moses swims across the sea Row 129
Strong-man Competition won Row 130
Politician divorces Row 131
Atomic winter a threat Row 132
Bird builds nest on balcony Row 133
Dictator builds new palace Row 134
Last book shop closes down Row 135
English course for animals Row 136
Dogs and cats best friends Row 137
Chinese Great Wall falls down Row 138
Big Thunderstorm Row 139
Teachers forget to teach Row 140
Elephant wins memory competition Row 141
Bats fly during daytime Row 142
Tree grows to 100 feet Row 143
Doping is legal Row 144
Sister defends brother in court Row 145
Queen crowned naked Row 146
Queen steps down Row 147
Mammoth shaves Row 148
Cow eats bull Row 149
Vegan bacon goes on sale Row 150
Purple tuna caught Row 151
Indian goes abroad Row 152
News on world language Row 153
Supporters cheer wrong team Row 154
Laws of physics stop Row 155
Newton eats apple Row 156
Prince rides home Row 157
Komet strikes venus Row 158
Space tourism commonplace Row 159
Preventative medicine is compulsory Row 160
Page 5
Christmas is cancelled Row 161
Big spider found Row 162
Hammock hung between skyscrapers Row 163
Santa Claus deathly hurt Row 164
Gorilla walks badly Row 165
Global peace Row 166
Baby develops arm in nose Row 167
Football song reaches number one Row 168
Snowball fight disrupts economic conference Row 169
Lovely weather all year 'round Row 170
Out of diapers Row 171
Rubbish dump designated national monument Row 172
Children blow bubbles Row 173
Patient mistaken for mummy Row 174
Vegan wedding cakes difficult to find Row 175


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