Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
First trip to another galaxy Row 1
Flood in Sahara Row 2
Circus closes Row 3
Actress auctions handbags Row 4
Food leftovers unite Row 5
Chocolate is product of the year Row 6
Workers strike Row 7
Carrots stimulate hair growth Row 8
Cats stop eating fish Row 9
Soccer player gets divorced Row 10
Policeman convicted of theft Row 11
Author’s new novel Row 12
Three meter straw flops Row 13
Cocktail bar serves water Row 14
Roses without thorns grown Row 15
Fishes go on mountain trip Row 16
Amazon grows back Row 17
Ants build regular houses Row 18
Boy sacrifices computer game to Jesus Row 19
Pluto renamed Row 20
Life on other planets scam Row 21
Chess match on Venus Row 22
Baby remote controls mother Row 23
World diabetes day is created Row 24
Sweden runs on solar power Row 25
Photographer photographes a whale Row 26
Plane lands on water Row 27
New dinosaur founded out Row 28
Donald Tramp lost in Kindergarten Row 29
Curl is on ice Row 30
New religion created Row 31
Dog eats boy's homework Row 32
Flying cars prohibited Row 33
Geeks rule Universe Row 34
New islands detected Row 35
Queen swims over English Channel Row 36
Crocodile only eats salad Row 37
Bus collides with rubbish cart Row 38
Dog accompanies owner to the park Row 39
Birds stop flying Row 40
Page 2
Poisoned death caps successfully sold Row 41
Horse suffers from indigestion Row 42
Mars stops rotating Row 43
Tornado observed on Jupiter Row 44
North Pole melts Row 45
Spanish new international language Row 46
Death sentences are prohibited Row 47
Monkey uses nail polish Row 48
Ostrich fights on the ring Row 49
Mushrooms dancing in the woods Row 50
Guitarist plays the piano Row 51
Monkey found reading Row 52
Pupil learns everything Row 53
Light bulb spreads darkness Row 54
Oil reserves run out Row 55
Tornado devastates town Row 56
Dane finds rare bones in France Row 57
Moon loves the Sun Row 58
Bicylce in Chine tumbles down Row 59
Trick or treat at the palace Row 60
Lessons in going on pilgrimage Row 61
Uphill ski race abandoned Row 62
Onion mousse is most popular dessert Row 63
Opera singer mobbed Row 64
Fairy-tale prince falls off horse Row 65
Pig becomes farmer Row 66
Sea level rises seven meters Row 67
Builder swims in wet concrete Row 68
Cacti stop stinging Row 69
Meat prices fall Row 70
New fruit „Apfelange“ cultivated Row 71
Fire fighter takes world tour Row 72
Cyclist in doping scandal Row 73
Strong-man Competition won Row 74
Crew go on strike Row 75
Invention is remade Row 76
Man wins 1.000.000 dollars Row 77
Oxygen no longer necessary Row 78
Fanatics wave banner Row 79
Insects invade desert Row 80
Page 3
The Sims becomes real Row 81
Black is the new black Row 82
Right side of brain removed Row 83
Grape imports halted Row 84
Bakers bake baked goods Row 85
Double-ended match popular Row 86
All superheroes exiled Row 87
World championship in football cancelled Row 88
DaVinci dissects cow Row 89
Fish researches plankton Row 90
Birds used to deliver letters Row 91
Debris recovered Row 92
World Cup on the moon Row 93
Flower eats a HotDog Row 94
Cicero learns French Row 95
Butterflies gather in Mexico Row 96
Earth changes direction Row 97
Factory is closed down Row 98
Earth's center solidifies Row 99
Queen takes part in Olympics Row 100
River Nile floods Row 101
Former CEO wins senior WMC Row 102
Monkey memorizes deck of cards Row 103
Burqa ban rejected Row 104
Coffee turns blue Row 105
Meat outrivaled by tofu Row 106
The silly ones gets lucky Row 107
Nursery on the moon opens Row 108
Apple falls Row 109
9- legged spider discovered Row 110
World's biggest pizza created Row 111
Fakir offended by nails Row 112
Boss fires himself Row 113
Baby eats hot chili Row 114
Scientist experiments on brother Row 115
Sale on time machines Row 116
Rubbish dump designated national monument Row 117
The sun stops spinning Row 118
Church admits: made everything up Row 119
Dinosaur island discovered Row 120
Page 4
Aliens land on Earth Row 121
Orangutan gets superpowers Row 122
Fierce warriors frightened of snake Row 123
Fish found on Jupiter's moon Row 124
Superman melts Row 125
Pilot afraid of flying lifts Row 126
Author writes new book Row 127
Party at the parliament Row 128
Strict school teacher retired Row 129
Grandparents go back to school Row 130
Pupils go on strike Row 131
Skateboarder goes down a mountain Row 132
Student praised for cheating Row 133
All trains on schedule Row 134
Cold new epidemic Row 135
Assassin commits suicide Row 136
Nun wins the WMC Row 137
Big Erthquake Row 138
Monkey main judge in tournament Row 139
Kidney surgery done again Row 140
Oceans get warmer Row 141
Window blind gets stuck Row 142
Amazon jungle deforested Row 143
Elephant completes jigsaw puzzle Row 144
Tropical heat throughout the world Row 145
Recipe book sold out Row 146
Bank open 24-7 Row 147
Carbon dioxide levels in atmosphere drop Row 148
Highest sunflower higher than mountain Row 149
Last jungle chopped down Row 150
All religions agree tolerance Row 151
Open air circus performances start Row 152
Engineers design a flying saucer Row 153
Battery charges Row 154
Shark balances ball on nose Row 155
Axe named Axel Row 156
3-wheel motorbike tips over Row 157
Surgeon makes mistake during operation Row 158
Volcanic eruption on Iceland Row 159
Horses wear high heel shoes Row 160
Page 5
Moon clones itself Row 161
Swimmers swim too far Row 162
Frog races held in Alaska Row 163
HGV overloaded Row 164
God lands on earth Row 165
Bully attacked by rabbit Row 166
AI generates historic dates Row 167
Solar wind gives extra power Row 168
Vendor sells other people's houses Row 169
Blues festival in country town Row 170
Starship evades missile attack Row 171
Macaque has driving licence Row 172
100 persons dropped on island Row 173
Flight route is closed Row 174
Dust gathers in the ceiling Row 175


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