Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
Statue on meditation Row 1
Tigers escape from zoo Row 2
Aircraft flies itself Row 3
Book fair stops selling books Row 4
Sun stops shining Row 5
Telescope observes beginning of universe Row 6
Thailand gets new king Row 7
Double-ended match popular Row 8
Space rocket lands on moon Row 9
Smartphones made entirely of plastic Row 10
Camel passing through Alaska Row 11
Denmark breaks away Row 12
Spelling mistakes in dictionary Row 13
Auction of painting breaks record Row 14
The sun goes on holiday Row 15
Oldest plant dies Row 16
Laser operations become standard Row 17
Statue is graffitied Row 18
Tallest human dies Row 19
Gymnastics in school considered dangerous Row 20
Cat chases ambulance Row 21
Treasure of chocolate coins found Row 22
Eating fried food declared healthy Row 23
National team loses world cup Row 24
Tourism is taxed Row 25
Antarctic melt Row 26
Blackout in the savannah Row 27
Country closes its borders Row 28
Adrenaline junkie-worm goes fishing Row 29
Canoe sinks in a puddle Row 30
First time-travel Row 31
New breed of horses bred Row 32
University has professor in memory training Row 33
Life found in Jupiter Moon Row 34
Arrow strucks innocent Row 35
Flower sneezes Row 36
Little toe trips up Row 37
Lead transformed in gold Row 38
Chef burns sausage Row 39
Father attacked by eagles Row 40
Page 2
Peace terminated Row 41
Hero saves village Row 42
New Eiffel tower in Rome Row 43
Girl wins prize for essay Row 44
World journey on ice skates Row 45
Celebrity becomes unknown Row 46
Grocery shop stops selling food Row 47
Overturned lorry sheds load Row 48
Fox steals chickens Row 49
Cancer can be healed Row 50
Pupils go on strike Row 51
Coal is banned Row 52
Jupiter's moon becomes habitable for humans Row 53
Breakfast abolished Row 54
Certificate for big head Row 55
Train driver forms rock band Row 56
Invisible woman becomes visible Row 57
Tortoise wins speed race Row 58
Artist paints masterpiece Row 59
Elvis back, had been hiding Row 60
Bus driver refuses to gear up Row 61
Airplane flies out in space Row 62
New musical instrument invented Row 63
Earth becomes red giant Row 64
Bull jumps on audience tribune Row 65
Sock gets a shower Row 66
Prince born Row 67
Powdered wine outsells natural wine Row 68
Solar wind gives extra power Row 69
Buffalo stampede in Africa Row 70
First memory lesson Row 71
Prisoner runs away from home Row 72
Crew strike Row 73
Cartoon characters go on strike Row 74
It is raining cats and dogs Row 75
WMC in Bolivia Row 76
Bear teaches at school Row 77
Celebrities adopt daughter Row 78
Flying bicycle built Row 79
Transplants prohibited Row 80
Page 3
Manager terminates all Row 81
Orangutan gets superpowers Row 82
New political party founded Row 83
Ostrich overtakes a jaguar Row 84
Prayers held outside Row 85
Doctor prescribes hot chili Row 86
Pillow insurrection Row 87
Eye closes Row 88
Polar bears become extinct Row 89
Conservatist tries something new Row 90
Nun repaints cathedral ceiling Row 91
Politician defects Row 92
Pregnancy shortened Row 93
Monkey remembers 15 numbers Row 94
Mountaineering prohibits Row 95
Sharks turn vegetarian Row 96
Oldest tree dies Row 97
Boy becomes nice Row 98
Donkey gets indigestion from carrots Row 99
Copernicus learns words Row 100
Lizards move to sea Row 101
Gorilla dances tango Row 102
Headteacher starts new school Row 103
Horses wear high heel shoes Row 104
Kidney surgery done again Row 105
Youngling lives in raspberry cave Row 106
Concert tickets sell out Row 107
Football song reaches number one Row 108
Toys are alive Row 109
Sun stops heating Row 110
Explorer lost in jungle Row 111
All the money split equally Row 112
Rome capital of bridge Row 113
Aristotle explains the world Row 114
Plant grows downwards Row 115
Chinese exercise in bathroom Row 116
Bakers bake baked goods Row 117
Lady lives to 100 Row 118
Basketball new national sport Row 119
Rain stuck in mid air Row 120
Page 4
Last newspaper printed Row 121
Chef overcooks food Row 122
Clothes shop opens on nudist beach Row 123
War becomes illegal Row 124
No-one sleeps on lecture Row 125
Sun changes colour Row 126
Russian drama is Hollywood hit film Row 127
Computer company makes electric car Row 128
Receipts no longer given out Row 129
Young boy becomes army general Row 130
Fairy-tale prince falls off horse Row 131
Plato becomes a predator Row 132
Oak faints Row 133
Islands disappear Row 134
Stuffed animals revived Row 135
Woodpecker replaces kitchen knife Row 136
Nose starts runninng Row 137
Race cancelled due to rain Row 138
Trumpet plays loudly Row 139
New brain software Row 140
Emperors old clothes found Row 141
Monster married at first sight Row 142
Moon falls from sky Row 143
Earthquake makes brains shake Row 144
Trees get married Row 145
Birds start to walk Row 146
First breadcrumb bed invented Row 147
Couple marries Row 148
Chronometer can speak Row 149
Healthcare free for all Row 150
Ants build regular houses Row 151
Samurai looses his sword Row 152
Temperature raises 10 degrees Row 153
Hydropower stops working Row 154
Cartoon figure completes drawing Row 155
Dragoon spits soap bubbles Row 156
Fireman puts fire out with petrol Row 157
Africa a lush oasis Row 158
Giraffe looks into the distance Row 159
Hitchhiker writes guide to the galaxy Row 160
Page 5
Memory supplement for drunks Row 161
First hair extension breaks Row 162
Robots granted same rights as people Row 163
Earth stops spinning Row 164
Aliens candidate for elections Row 165
Flea wins the high jump Row 166
Mickey Mouse divorces Row 167
Thief dating policeman Row 168
Gorilla learns sign language Row 169
Doping legalised at Olympics Row 170
Dinosaur island discovered Row 171
Manned mission to Mars Row 172
Last blue whale dies Row 173
Religion becomes superfluous Row 174
Zebra with green stripes discovered Row 175


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