Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
Spontaneous healing of a plague patient Row 1
Blue whale is becoming extinct Row 2
Time machine runs out Row 3
Cats take over Congress Row 4
UFO seen in Walmart Row 5
Fish swims fast Row 6
Secret operation carried out Row 7
Abandoned theme park becomes wildlife refuge Row 8
Gluten-free waffles taste sour Row 9
Football championship in Bali Row 10
Vacuum cleaner sings opera Row 11
Orangutan wins memory world championship Row 12
Electricity transmitted via radio Row 13
Butterflies send text messages Row 14
Guard dog attacks wizard Row 15
Cats host dance party Row 16
Peasuit worm becomes president Row 17
Balloons unite against being popped. Row 18
Ski jumper jumps over everything Row 19
First bag snatcher gets caught Row 20
Horse insults donkey Row 21
Cloning of the tree Ginkgo biloba Row 22
Gas station hands out Nutella Row 23
Firefighters on world tour Row 24
Fairy wings attached to delivery trucks Row 25
Alien tourists visit Earth Row 26
Penguins build igloo city Row 27
Eye stops seeing Row 28
Pencil holder for memory athletes Row 29
Topping-out ceremony at Blankenstein Castle Row 30
Researchers discover new planet Row 31
Peace treaty signed in Vienna Row 32
Event field left empty Row 33
Kangaroo joins a gym Row 34
Pippi wins the singing competition Row 35
Rainbows declared national treasure Row 36
Bricklayers build house Row 37
Puppy attacks boyfriend Row 38
Eyelashes create secret language Row 39
Sea level drops three meters Row 40
Page 2
Traffic is turned around without warning Row 41
Basement transforms into beach Row 42
Happy Mother's Day Row 43
Party at the office Row 44
Vampires open a dentist office Row 45
Chocolate trees sprout overnight Row 46
Television sets begin critiquing programs Row 47
Chocolate rivers declared protected national parks Row 48
Time travelers invite dinosaurs Row 49
Vampires host bake-off Row 50
Unicorns dance in park Row 51
Construction workers are on strike Row 52
Aliens join chess tournaments Row 53
Chimpanzee reads the newspaper Row 54
Doctors no longer write prescriptions Row 55
Plants start tweeting Row 56
"Burj Dubai" is being expanded Row 57
Engine Explorers explore Row 58
Cacti form a rock band Row 59
Martians hold Olympic games in space Row 60
Aliens join local bowling league Row 61
Fireman flamed for bad work Row 62
Cactus wins beauty contest Row 63
The world's longest giraffe is born Row 64
Pigs host cooking show Row 65
Tomatoes become sentient and protest Row 66
Trees sing lullabies nightly Row 67
Leopard goes vegan Row 68
Aliens sell ice cream Row 69
Moon reopens for tourism Row 70
Gnomes demand better lighting Row 71
Cats invent new internet language Row 72
Venus' sky clears Row 73
Amazon jungle disappears Row 74
Magic mirrors reflect people’s true snacks Row 75
Robots knit scarves Row 76
Robots play hide and seek Row 77
Novel heat therapy brings hope Row 78
Plane made entirely of paper Row 79
Carrots cure blindness Row 80
Page 3
Theodor Fontane writes a poem Row 81
Surgeon makes mistake during operation Row 82
Invention of the square wheel Row 83
Teenager walks to South Pole Row 84
Cat discovers meditation Row 85
Invisible man drops wallet Row 86
Comet hits volcano Row 87
Invisibility cloaks become fashion statement Row 88
Denmark starts space program Row 89
Pressure loss in airplane Row 90
Copy machine prints original Row 91
Magical pizza delivers to dimension Row 92
Trees learn to dance Row 93
Famous mathematician passes away Row 94
Indians discovered Europe. Row 95
Audi A4 hits the market Row 96
Football World Championship is being canceled Row 97
Aliens open fast food Row 98
Teacup falls to the floor Row 99
Dark all day Row 100
Satellites play hide and seek Row 101
Fruit flies win Nobel Prize Row 102
Extension of the English Garden Row 103
River changes course Row 104
Attack thwarted Row 105
Pigs fly, grounded pigs upset Row 106
Lightning strikes on the ocean floor Row 107
AROSA excursion to Norway Row 108
Eagle becomes mayor Row 109
Trampoline park in space Row 110
Supermarket open downtown Row 111
Flower water new health drink Row 112
Chocolate rain fetes city Row 113
Zebra changes name Row 114
Flying pigs appear on social media Row 115
Pirates embrace environmentalism Row 116
Mermaid spotted in supermarket Row 117
Invisible man sings karaoke Row 118
Tea party welcomes dinosaurs Row 119
Greatest person died Row 120
Page 4
Picture book wins the Nobel Prize Row 121
Processor reduced in size Row 122
Vampire opens sunblock business in winter Row 123
Covered figures are on strike Row 124
First 200 years Row 125
Raining tacos in downtown Row 126
Gnomes open a bakery Row 127
Goldfish win the lottery together Row 128
Robot becomes a philosopher Row 129
Eurasia divided by natural disaster Row 130
Talking cat solves crimes in Paris Row 131
Wonderland holds tea party Row 132
Gnome catches flu Row 133
Crime prevented in Stockholm Row 134
Butterfly lands on Mount Everest Row 135
Whale canceled Row 136
Chocolate rain in Texas Row 137
Government takes over all business Row 138
Rubber cell equipped with nails Row 139
Tortoise becomes Formula 1 champion Row 140
Pirates hijack ships at the museum Row 141
Dinosaurs play hopscotch in city parks Row 142
Aliens open a diner Row 143
Unimotorcycle gift of the year Row 144
Chocolate river flows downstream Row 145
Time travel becomes possible Row 146
Aliens sell hot dogs Row 147
Ketchup fountain opens worldwide Row 148
One may only speak in rhyme Row 149
Electrical outlet with only one hole Row 150
Toast takes over news channel Row 151
Cat learns to paint Row 152
Food runs out at the restaurant Row 153
Jellybean rain causes spontaneous dancing Row 154
Talking furniture sells secrets Row 155
Chicken graduates from Harvard Row 156
Goldfish reveals secrets of the universe Row 157
Ants form a labor union Row 158
Everyone has robot hands Row 159
Small brain becomes big Row 160
Page 5
Ghostbusters have moved on Row 161
OS closed down Row 162
Llamas elected mayors of small towns Row 163
Rainbows deliver settlement checks Row 164
Elves build luxury resort Row 165
Socks join marathon Row 166
Dog wins Nobel Prize Row 167
Construction of the largest wine cellar Row 168
Cookies tell dad jokes Row 169
Bicycle orchestra performs nightly Row 170
Papal bull of excommunication issued Row 171
Vampires open retirement home Row 172
Plane crashes on Mount Everest Row 173
James Bond dies in the movie Row 174
Boy learns schedules Row 175


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