Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
Receipts no longer given out Row 1
Plane made entirely of paper Row 2
Basketball new national sport Row 3
Peddle car wins grand prix Row 4
Crew go on strike Row 5
Eels meander Row 6
Automatic machine does not work Row 7
Cow eats bull Row 8
Meat prices fall Row 9
Execution ends in laughter Row 10
Tallest human dies Row 11
Wedding between gay princes Row 12
Solar panels start sweating Row 13
Indians colonize Europe Row 14
Pets are allowed to vote Row 15
Glasses made of diamond Row 16
Ginseng becomes a children's drink Row 17
Kings birthday Row 18
Celebrity is photographed Row 19
Triplets get married Row 20
Girlfriend plays baseball Row 21
Fierce warriors frightened of snake Row 22
Sportswoman trips over shoelaces Row 23
Dinosaur island discovered Row 24
Debris recovered Row 25
Table opens a company Row 26
Children's book wins Nobel prize Row 27
USA divided Row 28
Construction Worker strike Row 29
Priest cleans the church up Row 30
Statue of Liberty flies Row 31
New world peace treaty Row 32
Nail cut shorter Row 33
Sun stops shining Row 34
Teddy bear laughs evily Row 35
Battery starts burning Row 36
UFO seen in Walmart Row 37
Most poisonous spider poisons itself Row 38
All Swedes travel abroad Row 39
Greek islanders invade mainland Row 40
Page 2
Pears growing on the moon Row 41
Curtains on the walls Row 42
New breed of horses bred Row 43
Food leftovers unite Row 44
Psychologist goes mad Row 45
5 km long charger cable Row 46
Cats dance Rock’n’Roll Row 47
Someone publishes his first book Row 48
Castaway smokes chocolate cigarette Row 49
Doctor invents dance therapy Row 50
Newly crowned king abdicates Row 51
Curl is on ice Row 52
Singer performs in park Row 53
American flag gains three stars Row 54
Sieve sieved in sieve for sieves Row 55
New machine invented Row 56
World Cup is closed down Row 57
Antarctic melt Row 58
Tagalong tagged in photo Row 59
Lorry drives round the world Row 60
Spanish becomes world language Row 61
Black hole passes earth Row 62
Venus' sky clears Row 63
Forgetting completely forgotten Row 64
Helicopter crashes Row 65
Teachers go on strike Row 66
Test is incorrectly evaluated Row 67
Universe turns out to be flower Row 68
IT consultant eats icecream Row 69
Purple cucumbers a hit Row 70
Shower toilets popular in Scotland Row 71
Charity concert sells out Row 72
Solar energy impossible Row 73
Windows stops using folders Row 74
Jungle grows on the moon Row 75
Sea floods Row 76
Birds stop flying Row 77
Sun rises -again! Row 78
Politicians fight in parliament Row 79
Global warming at 4 degrees Row 80
Page 3
University closed down Row 81
Mindfulness causes confusion Row 82
Unicorn detected Row 83
Cold eradicated Row 84
Dragoon spits soap bubbles Row 85
Train runs over flock of sheep Row 86
Wall is painted red Row 87
Upper age limit for voters Row 88
Remote controlled car drives itself Row 89
Endless battery cell phones Row 90
Flags banned Row 91
Lion king over earth Row 92
Sunlamp cooks bread Row 93
Paternal uncle becomes maternal uncle Row 94
Little toe trips up Row 95
Devil offers job to angels Row 96
Oysters eat living human Row 97
No-one feels for working Row 98
World ends Row 99
Sun rises in the West Row 100
Dishwasher dishes in one second Row 101
Memory champion becomes president Row 102
Football song reaches number one Row 103
Car race held Row 104
Pilot sleeps while driving Row 105
Plato becomes a predator Row 106
1000 poems written Row 107
Moon falls in the sea Row 108
Ancient plate auctioned Row 109
Fakir offended by nails Row 110
Human born from chicken egg Row 111
Bridge tumbles down Row 112
Drug addict dies Row 113
Confused duck flies north in winter Row 114
Vendor sells other people's houses Row 115
Cartoon characters go on strike Row 116
Pigeon attached by moths Row 117
Bus driver refuses to gear up Row 118
Electricity becomes a rarity Row 119
First world circumnavigation Row 120
Page 4
Lead transformed in gold Row 121
Dog eats boy's homework Row 122
Loudspeaker heard on the moon Row 123
Patient mistaken for mummy Row 124
Gymnastics in school considered dangerous Row 125
Vampire becomes vegan Row 126
Piano plays out of tune Row 127
Mine digs to center of Earth Row 128
Foot kicks ball Row 129
Dog lands on moon Row 130
Thief dating policeman Row 131
Seal balances ball on nose Row 132
Aztecs invent the number one Row 133
Smart phones entirely in plastic Row 134
Mosquito squashes elephant Row 135
New world record Row 136
All Chinese become vegan Row 137
Principal pranks school children Row 138
Dogs and cats best friends Row 139
Horses wear high heel shoes Row 140
Aircraft flies itself Row 141
Japan bans nuclear energy Row 142
Mammoth shaves Row 143
Picasso sketches masterpiece Row 144
It rains for 3 months Row 145
Counterfeit banknotes detected Row 146
Vegan bacon goes on sale Row 147
Pee as car fuel Row 148
Kidney surgery done again Row 149
Germans have a pillow fight Row 150
Scarecrow scared of crows Row 151
UFO lands at the airport Row 152
Everyone complains on everything Row 153
New dictionary with three words Row 154
Sisters renounce kinship Row 155
Everest no longer highest mountain Row 156
Persia revived Row 157
Yeti gets bad cold Row 158
Earth cloudless for a whole day Row 159
Aliens candidate for elections Row 160
Page 5
Planet leavs orbit of sun Row 161
Librarian archives magazines Row 162
Pirates overtakes ship on museum Row 163
Coconut receives prestigious award Row 164
Cabbage soup popular Row 165
New book on memory Row 166
Talking birds bring news around Row 167
Skull key to paradise Row 168
Army general becomes juggler Row 169
Island appears in Pacific Ocean Row 170
Soil dries out Row 171
Beautiful jug designed Row 172
Grass snake marries chameleon Row 173
Banker sells forgery kits Row 174
Bank goes bankrupt Row 175


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