Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
Mermaids learn to cook Row 1
Foundation of the German National Museum Row 2
Peach juice with mallow flavor Row 3
Roombas initiate world tour Row 4
Cause of skin cancer recognized Row 5
Hiccups become Olympic sport Row 6
Penguins decide to fly south Row 7
Television grows legs Row 8
First gender reassignment Row 9
Ghosts join salsa dance Row 10
Pillow insurrection Row 11
Car enters the market Row 12
Humans communicate with plants Row 13
Letter sent Row 14
Infestation of lice Row 15
Battle for Grueningen Row 16
Fire freezes in Alaska Row 17
Dinosaurs run for senate Row 18
Meteor shower grants wishes to all Row 19
Vacation is cancelled Row 20
Octopus teaches underwater yoga. Row 21
Gardens bloom with laughter Row 22
Mrs. Langer forgets Michael Row 23
Polar bears start surfing Row 24
Wallet has gone missing Row 25
The Earth becomes a dwarf star Row 26
Path to Barbarossa Row 27
Plants sing Broadway hits Row 28
Women best in memory Row 29
Carrots form boy band Row 30
Furniture jumps during night Row 31
Igloos made of jellybeans Row 32
Jellybeans fall from sky Row 33
Only odd socks are sold Row 34
Dentist is the biggest idol Row 35
Foundation of the Tomato Alliance Row 36
Eggs declared unhealthy Row 37
Wizards discover WiFi and hold seminars Row 38
Dinosaurs become fashion icons Row 39
Trolls write bestselling novels Row 40
Page 2
Dogs form a band Row 41
Lions stop roaring Row 42
Mice launch their fashion line Row 43
Ghosts start live streaming Row 44
Soccer played on spaceship Row 45
Library books organize themselves on strike Row 46
Resuscitation among chimney sweeps Row 47
Invisible ink reveals overdue loans Row 48
E.T. wants to phone home Row 49
Clogs standard in ballet schools Row 50
Twelfth blind football world championship Row 51
Frogs play jazz music Row 52
New novella is being written Row 53
Mars rivers reoriented Row 54
Spaghetti rains in Italy Row 55
Cats write political papers Row 56
Talking rain drops promise clarity Row 57
Teenager sails boat around world Row 58
Red Bull now also provides rollerblades Row 59
Professional athletes on drugs Row 60
Lighthouses with WiFi launch Row 61
Celebrity is photographed Row 62
Talking fridge offers relationship advice daily Row 63
Clock stops Row 64
Robot dogs declare independence Row 65
Thief dates police Row 66
Internet set up Row 67
Aliens steal Wi-Fi Row 68
Cats solve world problems Row 69
Dogs hold talent show Row 70
Zombies host talent show Row 71
Poor girl wins billion-dollar prize Row 72
Mammoth shaves Row 73
Magic beans flood city Row 74
Librarian archives magazines Row 75
Telephone booth turns into portal Row 76
No cigarette butts on avenue Row 77
Toasters unite against bread Row 78
Worms plan a garden party Row 79
Whales sing opera in the ocean. Row 80
Page 3
Windows stops using folders Row 81
Friendly ghosts pass out candy Row 82
Race around the world OS discipline Row 83
Cactus develops personality Row 84
Flying fish deliver newspapers Row 85
Dog wins competition Row 86
Cactus champions yearly hydration contest. Row 87
Tinnitus new common disease Row 88
Farting contests gain popularity Row 89
Daycare locks in the children Row 90
Lambs frolic in Spring Row 91
Dreams get recorded Row 92
Religion becomes redundant Row 93
Opera is cancelled Row 94
Talking dog gets TV show Row 95
Fairies dance at Walmart Row 96
Greece in bankruptcy Row 97
Smiths lament shortage of horses Row 98
Socks steal the show Row 99
Miracle cure for hair loss Row 100
Pinecone becomes new currency Row 101
Fish begin political campaign Row 102
Roland cooks in Hesse Row 103
The sun hosts a picnic Row 104
Alien sends awkward email Row 105
Giraffe plays trumpet Row 106
Squirrels hold elections yearly Row 107
World War has broken out Row 108
Monster killed Row 109
Baby gets doctorate Row 110
Vietnam declares war on Peru Row 111
Fairy tale characters vote Row 112
Business reorganized Row 113
Clouds take a vacation Row 114
Square becomes round Row 115
Puns become officially recognized currency Row 116
Pirates open a café Row 117
Chef invents invisible soup Row 118
Toasters deliver motivational speeches Row 119
Lizards move to sea Row 120
Page 4
A camera is on tuner Row 121
Køge Gymnasium appoints new chairman Row 122
Zebras launch fashion line Row 123
Moonlight dance competition Row 124
Martians open coffee shop Row 125
Eel wriggles Row 126
Dinosaurs win baseball championship in 2090 Row 127
Mermaid dives into history Row 128
Zebra with green stripes discovered Row 129
Faroe Islands football world champions Row 130
Kangaroo hosts boxing match in Sydney Row 131
Declaration declared incomprehensible Row 132
The Nile is flooding Row 133
Truck wheels wear on the highway Row 134
Balloon animals battle dragons Row 135
The Earth's core solidifies Row 136
Pink cucumbers are a big hit Row 137
Visit from aliens discovered Row 138
Start of a new ice age Row 139
Spider-Man is born from a spider Row 140
Princess Clarabella is born Row 141
Sasquatch found in therapy Row 142
Witches form a council Row 143
Jelly beans tried in politics Row 144
Aliens request help with vacation planning Row 145
Desserts fall from trees Row 146
John rises again Row 147
Uluru is an alien spaceship Row 148
Invisible snowmen create laughter everywhere Row 149
Time machine powered by coffee Row 150
Cats declare themselves rulers of Earth Row 151
Indians almost laugh themselves to death Row 152
Time freezes during rush hour Row 153
Hapag in insolvency Row 154
Dogs start a newspaper Row 155
Chocolate is product of the year Row 156
First bowling club founded Row 157
Supernova sighted Row 158
Swan learns to fly Row 159
Slide shows replace flat-screen TVs Row 160
Page 5
Fried food is considered healthy Row 161
All animals are extinct Row 162
Goldfish find lost treasure underwater Row 163
Explosion of the Moscow ammunition depot Row 164
Monkeys host late-night talk show Row 165
Magic beans sprout into skyscraper overnight Row 166
Chinese singer serenades lover Row 167
Snail loses its saliva Row 168
Elevators gain personalities Row 169
Reality TV shows karaoke Row 170
Airplane crashes during the storm Row 171
Zebra's reindeer gone Row 172
Trolls host interspecies friendship festival Row 173
Cactus becomes Instagram influencer overnight Row 174
Wrestling World Championship Row 175


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