Random Numbers

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Requirements: A computer with a physical keyboard and the Chrome web browser.

Horizontal lines: . Vertical lines: . Grid lines: . Vertical input: .
Page 1
Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
Row 4
Row 5
Row 6
Row 7
Row 8
Row 9
Row 10
Row 11
Row 12
Row 13
Row 14
Row 15
Row 16
Row 17
Row 18
Row 19
Row 20
Row 21
Row 22
Row 23
Row 24
Row 25
Page 2
Row 26
Row 27
Row 28
Row 29
Row 30
Row 31
Row 32
Row 33
Row 34
Row 35
Row 36
Row 37
Row 38
Row 39
Row 40
Row 41
Row 42
Row 43
Row 44
Row 45
Row 46
Row 47
Row 48
Row 49
Row 50
Page 3
Row 51
Row 52
Row 53
Row 54


0, 1, ..., 8, 9
Enter digit to active cell and advance focus to next cell.
Clear active cell and focus previous cell.
Clear active cell and focus next cell.
Arrow keys
Navigate which cell to focus.
Same as Right Arrow.
If the options Vertical input and Horizontal lines are used (and both non-zero).
Then this key will make the cursor jump to the "next box".
(P)lus. Shift active cell and all aftercoming cells one step right.
(M)inus. Clear active cell and shift all aftercoming cells one step left.
(F)orward. Same as P but only for the current row.
(B)ack. Same as M but only for the current row.
(N)ext empty. Focus first empty cell after cursor.
P(R)evious empty. Focus first empty cell before cursor.
N(E)xt empty cell on next row.