Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
Aliens host cooking show Row 1
Llamas become famous fashion designers Row 2
Jellyfish hold debate team Row 3
King Otto stabbed Row 4
Knights ride pogo sticks Row 5
Secret lair discovered underwater Row 6
The Earth becomes a dwarf star Row 7
King Ludwig the 17th has died Row 8
Time machine misplaces everyone at lunch Row 9
Sale on time machines Row 10
Pizza plants grow stubbornly Row 11
Chemical company changes name Row 12
Blossoms bloom Row 13
Couple insults priest Row 14
Universe proven finite Row 15
Pirate ship in lake Row 16
Ghost starts online cooking class Row 17
Icebergs host climate summits Row 18
Bees bake pumpkin pie Row 19
Dragon becomes life coach Row 20
Giants play chess with the clouds Row 21
Alarm wakes all neighbors Row 22
Rainbow falls in love Row 23
Fish learn to skateboard Row 24
Cattle transport through Bavaria Row 25
Arab studies Aristotle Row 26
Zombies held peaceful protest Row 27
Penguins become travel agents Row 28
Magic dust causes hiccups Row 29
Poker World Championship in Magdeburg Row 30
Last oak cut down Row 31
Cats form book club Row 32
Socks form a union Row 33
Australia wipes out rabbits Row 34
The game raises canaries Row 35
Woodpecker replaces mandolin Row 36
Fairy dust shortage reported Row 37
UFO lands in Skåne Row 38
Aliens sell ice cream Row 39
Castle in the air burst Row 40
Page 2
Gnomes found on cruise Row 41
Fakir supplemented by nails Row 42
Dancing llamas invade town square. Row 43
Large reservoir being built Row 44
Cacti learn to swim Row 45
Gravity inverses on Tuesday Row 46
Wizards reverse gravity spell Row 47
Kittens become acclaimed directors Row 48
Dreams become reality show Row 49
Bad rhyme traps the poet Row 50
Car enters the market Row 51
Headteacher starts new school Row 52
Clouds form shapes of forgotten toys Row 53
Dancing robots invade city Row 54
Cats take over Congress Row 55
Minister resigns again Row 56
Cars powered by laughter Row 57
Pets apply for jobs Row 58
Giant rubber duck wins swimming race Row 59
Fish launch travel agency Row 60
Talking trees demand better soil conditions Row 61
Oceans are rising Row 62
New media invented Row 63
Wizards debate pizza toppings Row 64
Desserts come to life Row 65
Cats learn to swim Row 66
Books start discussing their plots loudly Row 67
Count Dracula awakens Row 68
Dad drives a car Row 69
Dragon becomes security guard Row 70
Russian drama becomes Hollywood success Row 71
Receipts are no longer issued Row 72
Storm brings dancing umbrellas to town Row 73
Bookshelves come alive nightly Row 74
Sister defends brother in court Row 75
Giraffes start a jazz band Row 76
Rowing World Championship Row 77
Cancer defeated for the first time Row 78
Gnomes start online business Row 79
Robot barista brews spells instead. Row 80
Page 3
Unicorns paint the town Row 81
Court master found in soup Row 82
Peace is being prohibited Row 83
Goldfish start revolution for better bowls Row 84
The king's horse abdicates Row 85
Baboon looses house keys Row 86
Swimmers swim around the Earth Row 87
Chickens plot their escape Row 88
Boxing match in Mexico Row 89
Star is actually a planet Row 90
Wizards create smoke rings Row 91
Birds eat the whole harvest Row 92
Wind in the church Row 93
Gravity briefly switches off Row 94
Monster joins marching band Row 95
Magpie steals shiny credit card Row 96
Ghosts open a diner Row 97
Quantum physics ceases to apply Row 98
Sea is overflowing Row 99
Talking vegetables hold political debates Row 100
Earthling aimlessly chats with aliens Row 101
Pancake becomes national monument Row 102
Balloons become sentient Row 103
Moonlight turns to cheese Row 104
Fighter pilot lands with the enemy Row 105
Giant flowers bloom overnight Row 106
Vampires perform stand-up comedy Row 107
Robots develop taste for gourmet food Row 108
Little toe stumbles forward Row 109
Pizza delivery to Moon Row 110
Bedtime stories come alive Row 111
Path to Barbarossa Row 112
Circus closes Row 113
Günther Jauch becomes chancellor Row 114
Giraffes become basketball referees Row 115
Big flood Row 116
Smallest calculator Row 117
Ice cream unmelts in winter Row 118
Penguins rebel against tuxedos Row 119
Volcanic eruption in Gothenburg Row 120
Page 4
Rainbows become fashion statements Row 121
Invisibility buffet sells out Row 122
Mobile phone contract is expiring Row 123
Lunchbox sings at night Row 124
Clouds form into whimsical sculptures. Row 125
Talking trees throw party Row 126
Fiction becomes reality everywhere Row 127
Singer has broken glasses Row 128
Tornado passes Gothenburg Row 129
Invisible man signs contract Row 130
Fairy dust cures Monday Row 131
Universe infinite Row 132
Bananas stop being sold Row 133
Pizza cats deliver news Row 134
Quantum physicist challenges a parrot. Row 135
Doctor salaries are halved Row 136
Muffins become Olympic sport Row 137
Golf player hits hole Row 138
Flying saucers after marital quarrel Row 139
Messenger pigeon crashed Row 140
Entrepreneurs open a school for children Row 141
Moth crumpled Row 142
Milk frothed Row 143
Discovery of anabolic steroids Row 144
Invisible ink sales skyrocket Row 145
Nobel Prize for Alfred E. Neumann Row 146
Chocolate fountain erupts during wedding Row 147
Calculator officially cursed Row 148
Rainbows become the new currency. Row 149
Dragon runs for office Row 150
Golfer hits a perfect strike Row 151
The Persian Empire rises again Row 152
Bureaucracy improved Row 153
Octopus writes a novel Row 154
Telephones spontaneously ring psychic secrets Row 155
Giant rubber duck floats into town Row 156
Giraffe wins spelling bee Row 157
Hugs in public places are prohibited Row 158
Tulip industry recovers Row 159
Invisible condom invented Row 160
Page 5
Crutches sing at the opera Row 161
Carrots cure blindness Row 162
Buffalo stampede in Africa Row 163
Pythagorean theorem disproved Row 164
Snowman catches a bad cold Row 165
Discovery of a giant snake species Row 166
Penguins host summer barbecue Row 167
Mountains suddenly float away Row 168
Library books hold conversations Row 169
Tecnica takes over Blizzard Row 170
Dinosaur bones uncover secrets of dancing Row 171
Africa is a lush oasis Row 172
Mice launch a cooking competition Row 173
First bag snatcher gets caught Row 174
Marshmallows launch into orbit Row 175


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