Historic Dates - English

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Page 1
Big city square becomes camping site Row 1
Light bulb spreads darkness Row 2
Singer-songwriter breaks glasses Row 3
Vacuum sucks up kitten Row 4
Liver lives on Row 5
Please walk upside down Row 6
Lambs frolic in Spring Row 7
Invisibility formula discovered Row 8
Cancer cure found Row 9
New planet found Row 10
Kiwi gives superpowers Row 11
Oak tree planted Row 12
Tabloid only mdia Row 13
Loudspeaker breaks down during concert Row 14
Internet closed down Row 15
Africa is a lush oasis Row 16
Ants build regular houses Row 17
Global epidemic prevented Row 18
Fox chases hounds Row 19
Celebrities adopt daughter Row 20
British monarchy closes Row 21
Everybody hides Row 22
Teleporting invented Row 23
Greece bankrupt Row 24
Couple gets divorced Row 25
Smartphones made entirely of plastic Row 26
Blue peas discovered Row 27
Global peace Row 28
Strict school teacher retired Row 29
Students win Danish volleyball championship Row 30
Princess born Row 31
Nano wire stronger than diamond Row 32
Ostrich learn to fly Row 33
Cargo-ship stuck in harbour Row 34
Three buttocks more common than two Row 35
Mosquito squashes elephant Row 36
President tap dances at prom Row 37
Breakfast eaten in the evening Row 38
World peace for a day Row 39
Africa divided into three parts Row 40
Page 2
New crisp taste: grass Row 41
Charlemagne conquers Greece Row 42
Whales go on safari Row 43
Pig becomes farmer Row 44
Weightlifter lifts himself Row 45
Doll sold in supermarket Row 46
Sea level drops 3 metres Row 47
Plane lands on island Row 48
Grocery shop stops selling food Row 49
Mother has daughter Row 50
Flags prohibits Row 51
Daughter older than mother Row 52
Honey is sold out Row 53
The car keys are gone Row 54
Hollywood imitates Bollywood Row 55
Boy sacrifices computer game to Jesus Row 56
Adrenaline junkie-worm goes fishing Row 57
Star loses suitcase at airport Row 58
Mars rivers reoriented Row 59
The last gold mine closes Row 60
Pregnancy shortened Row 61
All religions agree tolerance Row 62
Landmines banned Row 63
New cutlery introduced Row 64
Fish swims fast Row 65
Barbers using chainsaw Row 66
Dancing is made illegal Row 67
Tortoise wins speed race Row 68
Opera performed in space Row 69
Zebra loses strips Row 70
Sportswoman trips over shoelaces Row 71
Grape imports halted Row 72
First trip with teleportation Row 73
Wrestling becomes a subject Row 74
Internet stops Row 75
Space rocket lands on moon Row 76
Shake becomes vegetarian Row 77
Dante watches sunrise Row 78
Celebrity becomes unknown Row 79
Kings birthday Row 80
Page 3
Truck loading errors Row 81
Human city on moon Row 82
IT consultant eats icecream Row 83
Fire freezes in Alaska Row 84
Giant blister explodes Row 85
Auction of painting breaks record Row 86
President reanimated Row 87
Naked man foils pickpocket Row 88
Treasure of chocolate coins found Row 89
Es regnet zum ersten Mal Row 90
First male beauty queen Row 91
Manned mission to Mars Row 92
Taxes rise Row 93
Sugar banned Row 94
Hammock hung between skyscrapers Row 95
Earth gets new ecosystem Row 96
All deserts flooded Row 97
Chestnut thrown at guests Row 98
Samurai looses his sword Row 99
Bat forgets how to fly Row 100
Invention of invisible condom Row 101
Apple tree gives carrots Row 102
World Cup is closed down Row 103
Mohammed moves mountain Row 104
Golfer puts coplayer Row 105
First diamond medal Row 106
Seabed cleaned up Row 107
Receipts no longer submitted Row 108
Birds used to deliver letters Row 109
The last flower blooms Row 110
Superhero resigns Row 111
Cacti stop stinging Row 112
Zebra with green stripes discovered Row 113
Jupiter gets new moon Row 114
Queen steps down Row 115
Rome capital of bridge Row 116
Visa revoked Row 117
All bus stops in one place Row 118
Ape flies space rocket Row 119
Industrialist opens new factory Row 120
Page 4
Black is the new black Row 121
Genghis Khan rides horse Row 122
Pear falls on scientist Row 123
Whole world covered with clouds Row 124
Young boy becomes army general Row 125
Ancient plate auctioned Row 126
Whales' language translated Row 127
Actress seen on Mars Row 128
Palm hit by lightning Row 129
Child refuses to go to school Row 130
High pressure steam cleaner invented Row 131
Beetle drops wings Row 132
Celebrity famous for no reason Row 133
TV gets a cold Row 134
Orange tastes of lemon Row 135
First embassy on Pluto Row 136
Watermelon filled with water Row 137
News in world language Row 138
Watching television not allowed Row 139
Road sweeper wins lottery Row 140
Singer sings in extraterrestrial Row 141
Robot buried next to its owner Row 142
Komet strikes venus Row 143
Pets are allowed to vote Row 144
Chef overcooks food Row 145
Mickey Mouse divorces Row 146
World peace in a day Row 147
Transparent door invented Row 148
Peace between aliens and humans Row 149
Bank open 24-7 Row 150
Shooting star seen Row 151
Election cancelled Row 152
Gas and break switches places Row 153
Earth becomes red giant Row 154
School through internett Row 155
Acrobat tries high bar Row 156
Scientist captured by terrorists Row 157
Showjumping without horses Row 158
Opera via video link Row 159
Sugar tax introduced Row 160
Page 5
Bald man wears invisible hairpiece Row 161
Princess kisses tramp Row 162
Children blow bubbles Row 163
Manhole explodes in New York Row 164
Basketball player jumps through roof Row 165
Celebrity is photographed Row 166
Quantum computer lost Row 167
Banker sells forgery kits Row 168
The moon leaves earth Row 169
Shipwrecked castaway rescued Row 170
Rapunzel travels the world Row 171
Crane lifts shipwreck Row 172
Referees boycott World Cup Row 173
Car company cheats again Row 174
New field in medicine Row 175


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