Historic Dates - English

Time remaining: 493

Page 1
Ostrich learns to fly Row 1
Dogs talk to cats Row 2
Foldable cars a hit Row 3
Pippi Langstrumpf wins songcontest Row 4
Students on strike Row 5
Ban on Smart phones Row 6
Traffic jam on all roads Row 7
1721 Banana fears the worst Row 8
First man 200 years Row 9
First human borg Row 10
World peace introduced Row 11
Wind instruments gone with the wind Row 12
Party hat mandatory in restaurant Row 13
Children rule over adults Row 14
Grasshopper does long jump Row 15
Kid pilots a plane Row 16
Dog learns to speak Row 17
Peace terminated Row 18
Printer runs out of ink Row 19
Secretary awarded Nobel prize Row 20
Bees make pumpkin flower honey Row 21
Copy of Earth discovered Row 22
Trucks prohibited Row 23
Olympic games held on moon Row 24
Gardeners cut the grass Row 25
Students get course as homework Row 26
Religion becomes superfluous Row 27
Little girl catches cold Row 28
Time travel becomes possible Row 29
Starship evades missile attack Row 30
9- legged spider discovered Row 31
1235 Student is late Row 32
President re-elected for 5th time Row 33
Swimmer crosses ocean Row 34
Schoolteachers stop teaching Row 35
New fruit „Apfelange“ cultivated Row 36
New cutlery introduced Row 37
Senator bans soccer Row 38
Ikea sells mountable cars Row 39
Lizard race in courtyard Row 40
Page 2
Invisible painting stolen Row 41
Cats dance Rock’n’Roll Row 42
1006 Castaway smokes chocolate cigarette Row 43
Islands disappear Row 44
Draught in church Row 45
Book about memory published Row 46
Nun repaints cathedral ceiling Row 47
Attached file falls off Row 48
New haircut: hair inwards Row 49
Laws of physics stop Row 50
Tree grows underground Row 51
Rain stops forever Row 52
Indians colonize Europe Row 53
All trains on schedule Row 54
Chimps get human rights Row 55
Android becomes dictator Row 56
Mum delivers triplets Row 57
1050 Money is obsolete Row 58
Last newspaper printed Row 59
Ring changes finger Row 60
Steam machine invented Row 61
Pig becomes farmer Row 62
Princes marries Row 63
Natural disaster delayed Row 64
1505 Children love going to school Row 65
Plum tree becomes 1000 years old Row 66
Neighbour recovers from flu Row 67
Planet leavs orbit of sun Row 68
Lifeguard drowns in beautiful eyes Row 69
1701 Sumo wrestling Olympic sport Row 70
Maths proven wrong Row 71
Moustaches become fashionable Row 72
World's longest giraffe born Row 73
Counterfeit banknotes detected Row 74
Boy sacrifices computer game to Jesus Row 75
First hotel on the moon Row 76
Port workers on strike Row 77
Snake eats a whale Row 78
Friend lost at supermarket Row 79
Everyone has their own haircut Row 80
Page 3
Flocks of ducks dance around Row 81
Laser pointer points out treasure Row 82
1696 Earth becomes red giant Row 83
Hospital ship sails round the world Row 84
2097 Mouse mows secular tree Row 85
Ice rink melts Row 86
Bicylce in Chine tumbles down Row 87
Ice cream banned Row 88
Sultan instructs genocide Row 89
Pear grows on tree Row 90
Bee swam stops netball game Row 91
Chef burns sausage Row 92
Live man found at cemetery Row 93
Small brain becomes big Row 94
Child amazes parents Row 95
Geeks rule Universe Row 96
Snake eats lion Row 97
TV reporter resigns Row 98
Spider bitten by human Row 99
Shooting star seen Row 100
First human on Mars Row 101
High pressure steam cleaner invented Row 102
Boss fires himself Row 103
Rice grows in Spain Row 104
Spiderman shows him self Row 105
Chess match on Venus Row 106
Upper age limit for voters Row 107
Sale on time machines Row 108
1777 Dissolution of Parliament Row 109
Forest is cleared Row 110
Genius born Row 111
Only red apples grown Row 112
Newly crowned king abdicates Row 113
Gorilla walks badly Row 114
Oldest tree burns down Row 115
First clothes made of hair Row 116
Powdered wine outsells natural wine Row 117
Flying cars prohibited Row 118
Clown wins world championship in dancing Row 119
1199 Boat sails adrift Row 120
Page 4
Plato becomes a predator Row 121
Self-cleaning clothes become popular Row 122
French tax English cheese Row 123
Electricity becomes a rarity Row 124
Carpenter looses his hammer Row 125
Petrol smells like blueberry jam Row 126
Dog flies round the world Row 127
Unimotorcycle gift of the year Row 128
Nevada ice sculpture exhibition cancelled Row 129
Earthquake in Portugal Row 130
1344 Sunniest November in centuries Row 131
Hospital closes Row 132
Blind person takes driving test Row 133
Quantum physics was all made up Row 134
Treasure founded out Row 135
Surgeon makes mistake during operation Row 136
300 trees planted in a day Row 137
Germany runs on green energy Row 138
Malaria mosquitoes wiped out Row 139
1169 Lionking born Row 140
World's tallest giraffe born Row 141
Basketball player misses the ball Row 142
Gnome catches flu Row 143
Man reads three books per day Row 144
Queen swims over English Channel Row 145
Mushrooms dancing in the woods Row 146
Human born from chicken egg Row 147
Human cloning legalised Row 148
Acrobat tries high bar Row 149
Cake seen as health foods Row 150
All the trees grow together Row 151
Politician resigns Row 152
Road melts in hot Summer Row 153
Unicorn detected Row 154
A camera is on Tour Row 155
5 km long charger cable Row 156
Satellite encrypted wrongly Row 157
Global warming at 4 degrees Row 158
Appendectomy goes wrong Row 159
Bank goes bankrupt Row 160
Page 5
Cocktail bar serves water Row 161
All cars run on electricity Row 162
Priceless plate smashed Row 163
Tabloid is only media Row 164
Entrepreneur retires aged fourteen Row 165
First 200-year-old man Row 166
Shops run out of winter jackets Row 167
Disease cured with candy Row 168
Opera via video link Row 169
New world peace treaty Row 170
Everyone remembers their own birth Row 171
Grandparents go back to school Row 172
Last facial transplant performed Row 173
Es regnet zum ersten Mal Row 174
Mammoth shaves Row 175

Raw score: 12, Points: 84.51