Historic Dates - English

Time remaining: 816

Page 1
1066 Northern Lights cease to exist Row 1
Boyfriend performs rain dance Row 2
Policeman arrests a puppet Row 3
Star loses suitcase at airport Row 4
Birds stop singing Row 5
Tiger learns to sing Row 6
Screwdrivers become twice as expensive Row 7
Fishes go on mountain trip Row 8
Card pack memorised in 10 seconds Row 9
Queen swims over English Channel Row 10
Canada Ambassador expelled Row 11
Book drops from shelf Row 12
1239 Spider weaves a long way Row 13
Cats dance Rock’n’Roll Row 14
Pilot afraid of flying lifts Row 15
Cabbage soup popular Row 16
Wolf attacks cheetah Row 17
First time-travel Row 18
1066 Museum closed Row 19
Cacti stop stinging Row 20
Daughter older than mother Row 21
Author writes new book Row 22
Tourism is taxed Row 23
Undertaker dies Row 24
Echo never stops echoing Row 25
Golfer puts coplayer Row 26
Horse whips jockey Row 27
Non-reflective mirror invented Row 28
Spiderman quits his job Row 29
Manhattan must be moved Row 30
Tsunami warning cancelled Row 31
Fifty dead after pile-up Row 32
Leech prescribed as cure for obesity Row 33
Island dives into the sea Row 34
Rugby becomes national sport Row 35
Earth changes direction Row 36
Snail looses saliva Row 37
Rain stuck in mid air Row 38
Cyclist makes world tour Row 39
Horses wear high heel shoes Row 40
Page 2
Bride and groom get married Row 41
Basketball player jumps through roof Row 42
Animals conspire against humanity Row 43
Universe is an illusion Row 44
It snows mushrooms Row 45
Siamese twins divided Row 46
World Bank closes Row 47
Scissors cut costs Row 48
Sharks learn to speak Row 49
Road sweeper wins lottery Row 50
Mouse mows secular tree Row 51
Baby gets doctorate Row 52
Lens clouds over Row 53
Olympics held on the Moon Row 54
Treaty signed Row 55
Volcano destroys Venezuela Row 56
Memory athlete wins Olympics Row 57
Rain ends drought Row 58
Earthquake makes brains shake Row 59
Maths proven wrong Row 60
Chess computer loses against Grand Master Row 61
New universe discovered Row 62
Rudolph eats Santa Claus' hat Row 63
The last gold mine closes Row 64
Autumn becomes colourless Row 65
Square becomes round Row 66
Death of a adorable provocateur Row 67
Swimming with high heels is fashionable Row 68
New crisp taste: grass Row 69
Embryo gives birth to child Row 70
Flea wins the high jump Row 71
Child refuses to go to school Row 72
Dogs and cats best friends Row 73
Mamouth born again Row 74
Fireman flamed for bad work Row 75
Beetle drops wings Row 76
Baby eats hot chili Row 77
Pot cooking food for everyone Row 78
Finish sauna is invented Row 79
Transparent door invented Row 80
Page 3
Marathon won by one legged man Row 81
New dinosaur founded out Row 82
Politician divorces Row 83
Group meditates Row 84
Bank hands out free money Row 85
Train driver forms rock band Row 86
Fiancée promised to someone else Row 87
Meat prices cause riot Row 88
Football player scores blindfolded Row 89
Footballer saves penalty Row 90
New plane found Row 91
Nuclear plants are prohibited Row 92
Dog massaged by boss Row 93
Good trade deal agreed Row 94
Malaria mosquitoes wiped out Row 95
Hearing device filters lies Row 96
High pressure steam cleaner invented Row 97
Nun wins the WMC Row 98
Certificate for big head Row 99
Copy of Earth discovered Row 100
Penguin for sale as tuxedo Row 101
Pluto leaves solar system Row 102
Wells dry up Row 103
Parrot says poems Row 104
School schools schools of fish Row 105
Pigeon lays eggs in winter Row 106
Bus with tree floors built Row 107
Rat hides in bottle Row 108
Sisters renounce kinship Row 109
Angola becomes world's richest country Row 110
Industrial area contaminated Row 111
Child found in a cellar Row 112
He takes her hand Row 113
Helicopter crashes Row 114
Horse wins rosette Row 115
Dog flies round the world Row 116
Employees work in swimsuit Row 117
Government takes over all business Row 118
River changes course Row 119
All bags made of paper Row 120
Page 4
Fabric hammer invented Row 121
Lizards move to sea Row 122
University has professor in memory training Row 123
Cat eats shark Row 124
News on world language Row 125
New flavour is developed Row 126
Rabbit befriends toy dog Row 127
Doping becomes legal Row 128
Diamond turns back into coal Row 129
Laser pointer points out treasure Row 130
Snow White gets a cold Row 131
Crane lifts shipwreck Row 132
Party hat mandatory in restaurant Row 133
Walking chair invented Row 134
Catapult fails Row 135
First cosmetics studio opened Row 136
Lifeguard drowns in beautiful eyes Row 137
Ape flies space rocket Row 138
USA splits up/ dissolves/ collapses Row 139
Romantic novelist wins award Row 140
World Cup on the moon Row 141
Zebra loses strips Row 142
Homemade vase breaks Row 143
Memory championship on the moon Row 144
Fly in soup becomes new dish Row 145
Parachutist never lands Row 146
Coal is banned Row 147
Poet writes thrillers Row 148
Message in a bottle found Row 149
Gold replaces banknotes Row 150
Every horse very tiny Row 151
Sportswoman trips over shoelaces Row 152
Pets are allowed to vote Row 153
Visa removed Row 154
The car keys are gone Row 155
Police officer solves mystery Row 156
Olympic athlete wins hoops Row 157
Child amazes parents Row 158
Camel passing through Alaska Row 159
Students on vacation Row 160
Page 5
Clock strikes thirteen Row 161
Supporters cheer wrong team Row 162
Teacher fails Row 163
Donkey gets indigestion from carrots Row 164
Crocodile studies geography Row 165
Three legged footballer banned Row 166
Submarine that can fly built Row 167
Scandal shakes parliament Row 168
Cow eats beef Row 169
Princess resigns Row 170
Tigers escape from zoo Row 171
Ozone hole devours Australia Row 172
Frog wins swimming race Row 173
Pink polar bear discovered Row 174
Robber steals fish Row 175

Raw score: 2, Points: 14.08