Historic Dates - English

Time remaining: 768

Page 1
Bathtub springs a leak Row 1
Birthday cake is healthy Row 2
Queen abdicates Row 3
Spaniards sail to Pacific Row 4
India becomes most populated country Row 5
The cloud erased by mistake Row 6
Sausage flavoured ice-cream dessert Row 7
Mickey Mouse divorces Row 8
Oxygen no longer necessary Row 9
Former CEO wins senior WMC Row 10
Heavenly smoothie found in mixer Row 11
Schoolbus drives round the world Row 12
Chocolates devoured Row 13
Business prohibited Row 14
Ape learns to dance Row 15
All trains on schedule Row 16
World Bank closes Row 17
Residential Brain training Row 18
Manhole explodes in New York Row 19
Peace between aliens and humans Row 20
News in world language Row 21
Camel race won Row 22
Painter paints king Row 23
Design competition won by chimpanzee Row 24
Soccer player gets divorced Row 25
New flavour is developed Row 26
Invisible woman becomes visible Row 27
Certificate for big head Row 28
Horse suffers from indigestion Row 29
Chinese singer serenades lover Row 30
Baby develops arm in nose Row 31
Flea makes highest jump ever Row 32
Countries banned Row 33
Self-cleaning clothes invented Row 34
Train runs over flock of sheep Row 35
Laser pointer points out treasure Row 36
Earthquake makes brains shake Row 37
Candy smothers crocodile Row 38
Cow eats beef Row 39
Forest is cleared Row 40
Page 2
Zebra loses strips Row 41
Kindergarten group marooned on playground Row 42
Dog buries bone Row 43
Matriarch trembles in front of patriarch Row 44
Ice dragon eats ordinary dragon Row 45
Restaurant on the moon Row 46
Mouse rescues a princess Row 47
Bill Gates loses his fortune Row 48
Earthworm paralyzed Row 49
Politician defects Row 50
King lies about his age Row 51
Fish swims fast Row 52
Bathtubs forbidden Row 53
New extra-high speed train introduced Row 54
New dictionary with three words Row 55
Charlemagne conquers Greece Row 56
Farmers refuse to grow crops Row 57
Group meditates Row 58
Bird nests in wig Row 59
Pharmacy-nighclub opened Row 60
Nuclear power plant explodes Row 61
Army general becomes juggler Row 62
Psychologist goes mad Row 63
World peace in a day Row 64
Skyscraper gets angry Row 65
Shops run out of winter jackets Row 66
Train travels with speed of light Row 67
Germany runs on green energy Row 68
Wolves become tame Row 69
Cars in cities banned Row 70
Refugees refuse to flee Row 71
Ancient iPad excavated Row 72
Farmer buys animals Row 73
Air-conditioning freezes Row 74
Big smurf waxes his legs Row 75
Teenager walks to South Pole Row 76
Hair colour prohibited Row 77
Jesus returns Row 78
Internet is slow again Row 79
Northern Lights cease to exist Row 80
Page 3
1342 HGV overloaded Row 81
Mirror cracks in submarine Row 82
Fee charged to use ambulance Row 83
Age limit on lightsabers introduced Row 84
New mousetrap invented Row 85
Meat prices fall Row 86
Revolution of the cone people Row 87
Giraffes hypnotize humans Row 88
Insects invade desert Row 89
Students win Danish volleyball championship Row 90
An insect flies Row 91
Kitchen roll is wet Row 92
New natural product found in dead-nettle Row 93
Trucks prohibited Row 94
News on world language Row 95
Brain building biggest on earth Row 96
New colour discovered Row 97
Universe is an illusion Row 98
Still waiting for Godot Row 99
Aliens leave earth Row 100
Chicks born without feathers Row 101
Baboon dancing at the theatre Row 102
All cars run on electricity Row 103
Flowers bloom under the snow Row 104
Dentist biggest superstar Row 105
Donald Tramp lost in Kindergarten Row 106
Entrepreneurs become farmers Row 107
Tourism is taxed Row 108
Tsunami warning cancelled Row 109
Chameleon does not change colour Row 110
New book on memory Row 111
Moon loves the Sun Row 112
Bear eats all the blueberries Row 113
Fox chases hounds Row 114
Unicorn detected Row 115
The empire strikes back Row 116
Policeman arrests a puppet Row 117
Teenager sails boat around world Row 118
Film star makes new film Row 119
It rains for 3 months Row 120
Page 4
Eye closes Row 121
Flying bicycle built Row 122
Carrot machine invented Row 123
Cockerel adopts orphan chicken Row 124
Child demands rights Row 125
Brit sells baguette Row 126
Storm destroys city Row 127
Love spares no-one Row 128
Fishes smell fishy Row 129
Catapult fails Row 130
Invisibility formula discovered Row 131
1925 English course for animals Row 132
Cyclist makes world tour Row 133
Start of new ice age Row 134
Ancient hamburger found in fridge Row 135
Penguin leans to fly Row 136
Al students get A´s Row 137
Religion becomes superfluous Row 138
French gets lost in China. Row 139
Homeless inherits castle Row 140
Sea level rises seven meters Row 141
Screwdrivers become twice as expensive Row 142
Children's book wins Nobel prize Row 143
1696 The massage chair is refined Row 144
Nun wins the WMC Row 145
Hydropower stops working Row 146
Angola becomes world's richest country Row 147
Compasses start pointing east Row 148
Aircraft-carrier sinks Row 149
Racist party charged with hate crime Row 150
Spiderman weaves his way home Row 151
Charity concert sells out Row 152
Chicken wins traditional pony race Row 153
Birds eat entire harvest Row 154
Mummies are alive Row 155
Zebra with green stripes discovered Row 156
Birds stop singing Row 157
120 kilo pumpkin found Row 158
First trip to another galaxy Row 159
Doctors stop writing prescriptions Row 160
Page 5
Coffee is grown no more Row 161
Blues festival in country town Row 162
Doll sold in supermarket Row 163
Cartoon character elected president Row 164
Appendectomy goes wrong Row 165
New field in medicine Row 166
Government takes over all business Row 167
Big Thunderstorm Row 168
Book drops from shelf Row 169
Dog eats boy's homework Row 170
Italian flag changes colours Row 171
Carpenter builds wooden brain Row 172
Candidate defects Row 173
Treasure of chocolate coins found Row 174
All beaches are nude beaches Row 175

Raw score: 2, Points: 14.08