Historic Dates - English

Time remaining: 139

Page 1
1236 Alien brushes Row 1
Computer company makes electric car Row 2
1258 Plank put over Grand Canyon Row 3
Siamese twins divided Row 4
Photographer photographs photon Row 5
1064 Table opens a company Row 6
1187 Mozart's last note Row 7
1136 Internet closed down Row 8
Tempting apple tree cut down Row 9
Surgeon makes mistake during operation Row 10
1574 Senator bans soccer Row 11
World race olympic discipline Row 12
Australia covered by snow Row 13
Devil offers job to angels Row 14
2029 Global epidemic Row 15
Cicero learns French Row 16
1561 UFO seen in Walmart Row 17
Pillow insurrection Row 18
Vacuum cleaning new Olympic discipline Row 19
Opera via video link Row 20
School closed down Row 21
1025 Water freezes to ice Row 22
Geeks rule Universe Row 23
1080 First trip with teleportation Row 24
Window blind gets stuck Row 25
1355 Sharks turn vegetarian Row 26
1263 Peace is forgotten Row 27
Child goes to school Row 28
1363 Man wins 1.000.000 dollars Row 29
Cancer eradicated Row 30
Nun ends celibate life Row 31
Little Girl talks to neighbour Row 32
1502 Dancers dance for a year Row 33
1400 New organs cultivated Row 34
Bus collides with rubbish cart Row 35
1003 Three meter straw flops Row 36
1171 Football song reaches number one Row 37
Man not smartest on earth Row 38
Journalist is shot dead Row 39
Marathon won by one legged man Row 40
Page 2
Time travel becomes possible Row 41
Stuffed animals revived Row 42
Tree grows to 100 feet Row 43
1091 Last forest cut down Row 44
1227 Radio reporter interviews footballer Row 45
1286 Ridiculous ads in newspaper Row 46
Confused duck flies north in winter Row 47
Mars leaves solar system Row 48
1332 USA divided Row 49
Boat sails adrift Row 50
2015 Island appears in Pacific Ocean Row 51
World Cup on the moon Row 52
2089 Cheeta runs slov Row 53
1718 Grandparents go back to school Row 54
Cat inherits department store Row 55
Sweden to World Cup Row 56
1237 Tone deaf man composes sonata Row 57
Entombed warriors escape Row 58
Countries banned Row 59
Sports Woman steals pyjamas Row 60
1670 Landscape architect gets it wrong Row 61
Someone publishes his first book Row 62
Thailand gets new king Row 63
1385 Kimono is made of silk Row 64
United Nations transformed Row 65
Green clouds detected Row 66
1091 The last tree is cut down Row 67
Frogs use cell phones Row 68
1123 Plane reachers speed of light Row 69
1094 Doping legalised at Olympics Row 70
1360 Mandatory weekend candy introduced Row 71
2073 Tales prove to be true Row 72
1114 Plague of leeches strikes town Row 73
Internet stops Row 74
A piano is played Row 75
Running event hits record Row 76
Blackout in the savannah Row 77
Fairy-tale prince falls off horse Row 78
1340 Taxishaped galaxy found Row 79
Spiderman bitten by cricket Row 80
Page 3
Good trade deal agreed Row 81
Fire freezes in Alaska Row 82
1232 First skyscraper on wheels Row 83
Kidney surgery done again Row 84
Teleporting banned Row 85
Man jumps off a cliff Row 86
First bicycle race on nails Row 87
Autumn becomes colourless Row 88
Movies shown on every wall Row 89
1385 Fakir offended by nails Row 90
Oil well dries up Row 91
1344 Landmark moved Row 92
Death of a adorable provocateur Row 93
1353 Queen marries Row 94
Monkey uses nail polish Row 95
1015 Deer migrate Row 96
1051 Book drops from shelf Row 97
Fairy princess tired of pink Row 98
1033 Giant ashtray discovered in elevator Row 99
Death sentence abolished in US Row 100
2043 News on world language Row 101
1016 Loudspeaker breaks down during concert Row 102
Zebra loses stripes Row 103
1370 Egg cup invented Row 104
Planet found on star Row 105
1048 Local leader travels to Jupiter Row 106
New hotel in New York Row 107
1085 Palm hit by lightning Row 108
Mailbox company starts sending e-mails Row 109
Lady hides in refrigerator Row 110
Parrot says poems Row 111
1239 Waiter serves wrong order Row 112
Eyebrows suppressed Row 113
Doctor invents dance therapy Row 114
Coffee no longer grown Row 115
Dengue fever in Norway Row 116
1914 Antarctic melt Row 117
Lifeguard drowns in beautiful eyes Row 118
Forest is cleared Row 119
1357 Hospital ship sails round the world Row 120
Page 4
Piggy bank gets piggies Row 121
New disease discovered Row 122
1359 Dog eats boy's homework Row 123
1222 Engineers design a flying saucer Row 124
Nano wire stronger than diamond Row 125
World ends Row 126
Farmer locates phone eaten by cow Row 127
1342 President is fired Row 128
1336 New extra-high speed train introduced Row 129
Photographer in scandal Row 130
Universe turns out to be flower Row 131
DaVinci dissects cow Row 132
2078 Mime walks tightrope Row 133
1180 Zoos banned Row 134
Memory records broken Row 135
All passports valid everywhere Row 136
Fox chases hounds Row 137
Scientist captured by terrorists Row 138
Wine consumption increases Row 139
1373 First human borg Row 140
Basketball player misses the ball Row 141
Election manifesto pure lies Row 142
Greek islanders invade mainland Row 143
2009 Genghis Khan rides horse Row 144
Stadium hosts pyjama party Row 145
2007 Ambassador interviewed on TV Row 146
Cyclist makes world tour Row 147
Book fair stops selling books Row 148
1459 President re-elected for 5th time Row 149
Leonardo watches bird Row 150
Crew go on strike Row 151
Liver lives on Row 152
1463 Gemstone detected Row 153
New mousetrap invented Row 154
New natural product found in dead-nettle Row 155
Hammock hung between skyscrapers Row 156
1018 Speaker loses her voice Row 157
Ring changes finger Row 158
2010 Teachers forget to teach Row 159
Queen abdicates Row 160
Page 5
2046 Milky Way shrinks Row 161
1980 Pharaoh revives Row 162
2023 Pumpkin coach declared unroadworthy Row 163
Farmers refuse to grow crops Row 164
Banker donates to charity Row 165
Food leftovers unite Row 166
Best ever design software released Row 167
Fishes smell fishy Row 168
Ostrich learns to fly Row 169
1272 Jesus returns Row 170
Cats stop eating fish Row 171
New dinosaur founded out Row 172
1675 Ordinary person becomes hero Row 173
2067 Bus driver refuses to gear up Row 174
King dies Row 175

Raw score: 59, Points: 415.49