Historic Dates - English

Time remaining: 608

Page 1
1699 Oysters eat living human Row 1
Wine consumption increases Row 2
A piano is played Row 3
1912 Brain building biggest on earth Row 4
World language introduced Row 5
Picasso sketch masterpiece Row 6
Local leader travels to Jupiter Row 7
1533 Chinese actor plays cowboy Row 8
King stands for election Row 9
Kitchen infested by insects Row 10
Battery starts burning Row 11
1484 News is old Row 12
New science discovered Row 13
Bird builds nest on balcony Row 14
Monkey remembers 15 numbers Row 15
1166 Echo never stops echoing Row 16
1224 Moustaches become fashionable Row 17
Pigeon attached by moths Row 18
Farmer locates phone eaten by cow Row 19
Traffic jam on all roads Row 20
Spider bitten by human Row 21
Important book written Row 22
Small man buys microphone Row 23
Opera performed in space Row 24
1766 Passenger sings on airplane Row 25
1556 Madagascar below sea level Row 26
Shake becomes vegetarian Row 27
Power cut in New York Row 28
1888 Catapult fails Row 29
Wonderful smell at libraries Row 30
Emperor's old clothes found Row 31
Extinction of terrorist Row 32
Book starts to fly Row 33
Couple insults priest Row 34
2030 Oldest tree dies Row 35
Car factory closed down Row 36
Zebra loses strips Row 37
Refugees refuse to flee Row 38
Automatic machine does not work Row 39
Fireman puts fire out with petrol Row 40
Page 2
Daughter older than mother Row 41
Pear grows on tree Row 42
Axe named Axel Row 43
Excavator digs up ice cream Row 44
Company goes bankrupt Row 45
Wind energy covers all needs Row 46
1299 Rudolph eats Santa Claus' hat Row 47
1557 Apple falls from tree Row 48
1313 New memory drink Row 49
TV news stops Row 50
Moon falls in the sea Row 51
Gorilla dances tango Row 52
Pear falls on scientist Row 53
Bald man wears invisible hairpiece Row 54
1486 Invention of invisible condom Row 55
Giant flowers grow Row 56
Rapunzel travels the world Row 57
Lead transformed in gold Row 58
1259 No more antibiotics Row 59
Scientists discover new atom Row 60
The massage chair is refined Row 61
Greece goes bankrupt Row 62
Age limit on lightsabers introduced Row 63
Boy sacrifices computer game to Jesus Row 64
Dog flies round the world Row 65
1162 Message in a bottle found Row 66
Homeless inherits castle Row 67
Ozone hole devours Australia Row 68
Youngling lives in raspberry cave Row 69
Mouse swims across ocean Row 70
Internet stops Row 71
Grass greener on the other side Row 72
Water polo World Cup on land Row 73
Word stuck in throat Row 74
Deepest hole dug Row 75
Schoolchildren take over town Row 76
Trinidad and Tobago’s general dies Row 77
Candle heats city Row 78
School trip canceled Row 79
Plane lands backwards Row 80
Page 3
Homophobia wiped out Row 81
Solar wind gives extra power Row 82
Naked man foils pickpocket Row 83
Calendar misses out July Row 84
New mousetrap invented Row 85
Chef burns sausage Row 86
Butterfly regresses into caterpillar Row 87
Dog massaged by boss Row 88
Little Mermaid gets botox injection Row 89
Engine Explorers explore Row 90
Sled dogs on strike Row 91
Memory Athlete becomes president Row 92
First 3D iPad Row 93
Sealions swim round the world Row 94
Industrialist opens new factory Row 95
New world record Row 96
Crabs learn to swim Row 97
Artist is lost in jungle Row 98
Egg cup invented Row 99
Dolphin captain on boat Row 100
Horse wins rosette Row 101
Gorilla learns sign language Row 102
Draught in church Row 103
Bank swindled by con man Row 104
Nano wire stronger than diamond Row 105
Hair straightener activated per USB Row 106
Flower eats a HotDog Row 107
Party hat mandatory in restaurant Row 108
No-one sleeps on lecture Row 109
Youth sprays graffiti on wall Row 110
Highest sunflower higher than mountain Row 111
Car parks itself Row 112
The 60s become modern again Row 113
Shower toilets popular in Scotland Row 114
Grandad fights in battle Row 115
Lightning strikes the city Row 116
Schoolbus drives round the world Row 117
Industry changes targets Row 118
All of Europe flooded Row 119
Jupiter's moon becomes habitable for humans Row 120
Page 4
Whales go on safari Row 121
Paper banned as a material Row 122
The moon leaves earth Row 123
Nun wins the WMC Row 124
First brain transplant operation Row 125
Champions league on March Row 126
Telescopic universe looks beginning Row 127
New election in Sweden Row 128
Comedian loses laughter Row 129
Pregnancy shortened Row 130
Human cloning legalized Row 131
War breaks out between kings Row 132
Wall is painted red Row 133
Pyramids are actually spaceships Row 134
Africa divided into three parts Row 135
Lovers make up Row 136
Piggy bank gets piggies Row 137
Restaurant runs out of food Row 138
Sun melts Row 139
Gambler gambles everything, doesn't win Row 140
Teacup hits the floor Row 141
Castle ruin restored Row 142
Carpenter makes wooden car Row 143
Princess kisses tramp Row 144
Corn in all food products Row 145
UN moves to March Row 146
Seal balances ball on nose Row 147
Germans have a pillow fight Row 148
Pluto leaves solar system Row 149
Election is cancelled Row 150
Polar bears swim to South Pole Row 151
Teenager sleeps for twenty-two years Row 152
Oak tree planted Row 153
First male beauty queen Row 154
Tangerine goes on holidays Row 155
Malaria mosquitoes wiped out Row 156
Everyone trips over Row 157
Book drops from shelf Row 158
Boss fires all employees Row 159
Rivers flow backwards Row 160
Page 5
Pope for president Row 161
Atom Winter starts Row 162
Teddy bear laughs evily Row 163
Mushrooms dancing in the woods Row 164
Paper clip secures bungy jumper Row 165
Snowball fight disrupts economic conference Row 166
Invisibility formula discovered Row 167
World Cup is abolished Row 168
All cars run on electricity Row 169
Shrek appointed knight Row 170
New extra-high speed train introduced Row 171
Horse backflips an obstacle Row 172
Spiderman bitten by cricket Row 173
Camel race won Row 174
Angola becomes world's richest country Row 175

Raw score: 15, Points: 105.63