Historic Dates - English

Time remaining: 33

Page 1
Wind instruments gone with the wind Row 1
Cell phone rings no longer Row 2
Turkeys' insurrection against Thanksgiving Day Row 3
Bees make pumpkin flower honey Row 4
Field of lavender sold at auction Row 5
Universe is an illusion Row 6
Parachutist never lands Row 7
On TV: Who wants a millionaire? Row 8
Clown wins world championship in dancing Row 9
Fat man eats whale Row 10
The last tree is cut down Row 11
Guitarist plays the piano Row 12
Meteor strikes Row 13
Air-conditioning freezes Row 14
Dust gathers in the ceiling Row 15
1473 Chameleon hides Row 16
Ants the size of elephants found Row 17
1827 Engine Explorers explore Row 18
Solar cells in sunbeds saves environment Row 19
Asteroid vessel found Row 20
Doll sold in supermarket Row 21
Toilet paper rationed Row 22
Pear grows on tree Row 23
1253 World's tallest giraffe born Row 24
New flavour is developed Row 25
Hospital ship sails round the world Row 26
1227 Man lands on Mars Row 27
Diamond knife in museum Row 28
1821 Fox escapes hunt Row 29
Gas and break switches places Row 30
1932 World Cup is closed down Row 31
1763 Cats stop eating fish Row 32
Plague of leeches strikes town Row 33
Pressure loss in plane Row 34
Printer runs out of ink Row 35
World language introduced Row 36
Sauerkraut for breakfast, lunch and dinner Row 37
All kings meet Row 38
1838 Køge Gymnasium appoints new chairman Row 39
Funeral in the living room Row 40
Page 2
New science discovered Row 41
1682 Important book written Row 42
Grandad fights in battle Row 43
Blind person takes driving test Row 44
Petrol smells like blueberry jam Row 45
Es regnet zum ersten Mal Row 46
1317 Screwdrivers become twice as expensive Row 47
Bikes banned Row 48
Acrobat tries high bar Row 49
1929 Scientist experiments on brother Row 50
Sock gets a shower Row 51
Treasure founded out Row 52
New language invented Row 53
Cows give cream Row 54
TV game becomes school subject Row 55
Animals conspire against humanity Row 56
Monster married at first sight Row 57
TV reporter resigns Row 58
Denmark builds new mountain Row 59
Peace between aliens and humans Row 60
1697 Monk clears litter Row 61
Pilgrimage made Row 62
Breakfast abolished Row 63
Trinidad and Tobago’s general dies Row 64
Cacti stop stinging Row 65
1754 Football song reaches number one Row 66
Bald man wears invisible hairpiece Row 67
Brit sells baguette Row 68
2072 Only single socks sold Row 69
Olympic games held on moon Row 70
Bat forgets how to fly Row 71
Pasta boils over Row 72
Doctor gets sick Row 73
1192 Entrepreneurs become farmers Row 74
Aliens land on Earth Row 75
Dane finds rare bones in France Row 76
Radio drama broadcast Row 77
Jupiter gets new moon Row 78
Quantum physics was all made up Row 79
Thermometer melts Row 80
Page 3
Milky Way shrinks Row 81
Lion stalks patients in hospital Row 82
Earthquake in Portugal Row 83
Watch backflips Row 84
Cabbage soup popular Row 85
Apple tree gives carrots Row 86
Small drum heard all over Row 87
Lambs frolic in Spring Row 88
Crew go on strike Row 89
President tap dances at prom Row 90
Black teeth in fashion Row 91
Comic loses laughter Row 92
Fire fighter takes world tour Row 93
Light bulb spreads darkness Row 94
Cleaner eats dust Row 95
Card deck memorized on Mars Row 96
Prime minister on maternity leave Row 97
Butterfly regresses into caterpillar Row 98
1117 Penguin touches seabed Row 99
Romantic novelist wins award Row 100
Parachute drops jumper - saves itself Row 101
Traitor caught Row 102
The sun goes on holiday Row 103
Ape wins medal Row 104
Chocolate runs out Row 105
Planet leavs orbit of sun Row 106
Homework prohibited Row 107
Mouse mows secular tree Row 108
Coldest summer ever Row 109
Wind energy covers all needs Row 110
USA splits up/ dissolves/ collapses Row 111
Emperor's old clothes found Row 112
Komet strikes venus Row 113
Olympics held on the Moon Row 114
Comet hits volcano Row 115
Cancer cure found Row 116
Sultan instructs genocide Row 117
Candidate defects Row 118
Carpenter looses his hammer Row 119
Geeks rule Universe Row 120
Page 4
Madagascar below sea level Row 121
Breathing becomes unnecessary Row 122
Gramophone teaches kids playing chess Row 123
Elbow hits eye Row 124
Fliegender Teppich wird beliebtes Transportmittel Row 125
Highest sunflower higher than mountain Row 126
Greece goes bankrupt Row 127
Tiger learns to sing Row 128
Photograph of ghost taken Row 129
Sea level drops 3 meters Row 130
Nun ends celibate life Row 131
1115 Bakers bake baked goods Row 132
Temperature rises by 5 degrees Row 133
Small man buys microphone Row 134
1297 Memory master suffers dementia Row 135
Madman appointed director of asylum Row 136
Drought wiped away Row 137
Earthquake makes brains shake Row 138
1674 News on world language Row 139
1272 Analogue cameras scrapped Row 140
Candy smothers crocodile Row 141
Business reorganized Row 142
Doping becomes legal Row 143
Zebra escapes from zoo Row 144
Showjumping without horses Row 145
Mummies are alive Row 146
Island dives into the sea Row 147
Flower eats a HotDog Row 148
Brazil prohibits football Row 149
New machine invented Row 150
Autumn becomes colourless Row 151
Flying bicycle built Row 152
Hostess offends passenger Row 153
Disco planet in solar system Row 154
1994 World peace treaty again Row 155
Roses without thorns grown Row 156
Axe named Axel Row 157
2009 Entrepreneur starts new Row 158
Rudolph eats Santa Claus' hat Row 159
Prince's brother plans coup Row 160
Page 5
Green lawn turns blue Row 161
Boy learns times tables Row 162
Pinky und Brain conquer the world Row 163
Atom Winter starts Row 164
Phone calls spirit Row 165
Earth gets new ecosystem Row 166
Wells dry up Row 167
Hunger strike ended Row 168
Witchcraft part of school curriculum Row 169
Whisky becomes cats' favourite drink Row 170
Barbers using chainsaw Row 171
Sun stops shining Row 172
Schoolchildren take over town Row 173
Piano plays out of tune Row 174
First flying submarine Row 175

Raw score: 22, Points: 154.93