Historic Dates - English

Time remaining: 659

Page 1
1647 Traitor caught Row 1
1693 Moon falls from sky Row 2
Olympic games canceld Row 3
Man reads three books per day Row 4
Siamese twins divided Row 5
Judge sentences to run Row 6
Private schools banned Row 7
Photographer photographes a whale Row 8
Plato becomes a predator Row 9
FIFA World Cup cancelled Row 10
No more religion Row 11
Peace is forgotten Row 12
Prisoner runs away from home Row 13
Overhead replaces plasma TV Row 14
Earth changes direction Row 15
New Eiffel tower in Rome Row 16
Ring changes finger Row 17
New country created Row 18
Rower rows around the world Row 19
Port workers on strike Row 20
Pensioners refuse to retire Row 21
Cell phone rings no longer Row 22
Monthly bus ticket los Row 23
Kinderlieder werden zum ersten Mal gesungen Row 24
Beautiful jug designed Row 25
Blind can see again Row 26
Horse wins rosette Row 27
Venus' sky clears Row 28
World's biggest pizza created Row 29
Aliens leave earth Row 30
Mamouth born again Row 31
Temperature raises 10 degrees Row 32
Taxi driver gets lost Row 33
Unicycle cannot be ridden Row 34
1220 Rome capital of bridge Row 35
Scientists discover new atom Row 36
Olympic athlete wins hoops Row 37
Lipstick turns into a weapon Row 38
Singer performs in park Row 39
Ski jumper overflies everything Row 40
Page 2
Speaking computers introduced Row 41
Netherlands changes national colours Row 42
Rain ends drought Row 43
Windows stops using folders Row 44
New organs cultivated Row 45
Champions league on March Row 46
Orangutan gets superpowers Row 47
New world record Row 48
Construction Worker strike Row 49
Burqa ban rejected Row 50
Hairdresser cuts lion's mane Row 51
Birthday cake is healthy Row 52
Dog accompanies owner to the park Row 53
Rivers become salted Row 54
Paris-New York underground tunnel Row 55
Brazil bans football Row 56
Birds eat entire harvest Row 57
Watching television not allowed Row 58
Screwdrivers become twice as expensive Row 59
Last gun on Earth destroyed Row 60
Jessica Rabbit's latest movie Row 61
Spruce tree played by Bruce Lee Row 62
Bats fly during daytime Row 63
Enrolled escapes home Row 64
Beetle sheds wings Row 65
Baboon looses house keys Row 66
Lawyer sentenced in court Row 67
Draught in church Row 68
Egg cup invented Row 69
World Cup on the moon Row 70
Surgeon operates on gnomes Row 71
The sun stops spinning Row 72
New media invented Row 73
1592 Vanilla most expensive spice Row 74
Ice skater eats lolly Row 75
Powdered wine outsells natural wine Row 76
Landing at sea Row 77
Memory master suffers dementia Row 78
Parrot employed as radio presenter Row 79
Insects invade city Row 80
Page 3
Soldiers go on strike Row 81
First school opened on the moon Row 82
Homework prohibited Row 83
Ice cream banned Row 84
Air hostesses strike Row 85
A queen was born Row 86
Screens bigger than garage gates Row 87
Waiter puts plates under table Row 88
UN creates peace on Earth Row 89
The 60s become modern again Row 90
Mars stops rotating Row 91
Electric cars are modern Row 92
Election cancelled Row 93
Knight receives new suit of armour Row 94
Pee as car fuel Row 95
Pilgrimage made Row 96
Wheeled mattress most common vehicle Row 97
Piggy bank gets piggies Row 98
Green hair compulsory Row 99
Fairy princess tired of pink Row 100
Blackout in the savannah Row 101
The military hug Row 102
Queen abdicates Row 103
Lizards move to sea Row 104
Space rocket lands on moon Row 105
Diamond knife in museum Row 106
Singer-songwriter breaks glasses Row 107
Trumpet plays loudly Row 108
Painting sold for record price Row 109
Chicken graduates at Harvard Row 110
Bumblebees extinct Row 111
1277 God lands on earth Row 112
World Cup is closed down Row 113
World memory record set Row 114
No-one feels for working Row 115
Jesus returns Row 116
Shower toilets popular in Scotland Row 117
Hockey match ends in fight Row 118
Blinking stars Row 119
Elephants migrate to London Row 120
Page 4
Pandemic hairloss Row 121
Only single socks sold Row 122
Countries banned Row 123
Author writes new book Row 124
Chalk gives students tinnitus Row 125
Kiwi gives superpowers Row 126
Train driver forms rock band Row 127
Bear eats all the blueberries Row 128
Air pressure mashes potato Row 129
Boat sails adrift Row 130
Printer runs out of ink Row 131
First 200-year-old man Row 132
Sauerkraut for breakfast, lunch and dinner Row 133
Wind energy covers all needs Row 134
Teenagers wear beret, adults cap Row 135
Cats dance Rock’n’Roll Row 136
New book on memory Row 137
The Smurfs turn green Row 138
Ancient hamburger found in fridge Row 139
Female president in China Row 140
Drug addict dies Row 141
Earth gets new ecosystem Row 142
1627 Chinese Great Wall falls down Row 143
Liver disease cured Row 144
Message in a bottle found Row 145
French pilots on strike Row 146
All deserts flooded Row 147
Swimmers swim too far Row 148
Human born from chicken egg Row 149
1516 Bus with tree floors built Row 150
Black teeth in fashion Row 151
King dies on horseback Row 152
Lizard race in courtyard Row 153
Headmaster wins marathon Row 154
Flight route is closed Row 155
1317 Last forest cut down Row 156
Policeman arrests a puppet Row 157
Army resigns Row 158
Kings birthday Row 159
9- legged spider discovered Row 160
Page 5
New religion founded Row 161
Memory master dement Row 162
Hair straightener activated per USB Row 163
Confused duck flies north in winter Row 164
Steam machine invented Row 165
Trainer teaches new sport Row 166
Prayers held outside Row 167
Lion king over earth Row 168
Computer not invented Row 169
Fox escapes hunt Row 170
All animals extinct Row 171
Cartoon characters go on strike Row 172
Boy elected as president Row 173
Love spares no-one Row 174
Moon falls in the sea Row 175

Raw score: 8, Points: 56.34