Historic Dates - English

Time remaining: 0

Page 1
Aristotle explains the world to us Row 1
Pope marries the Empress of China Row 2
Martians open a dance academy Row 3
Worms start fashion show Row 4
Mount Everest re-measured Row 5
First intergalactic soccer match Row 6
Vending machine dispenses rainbows Row 7
Socks collaborate with shoes Row 8
Cactus holds musical concert Row 9
Dolphins learn to code Row 10
Memory athlete wins the Olympics Row 11
Cure for diabetes Row 12
Cat competes in yoga Row 13
Pizza delivery on rollerblades Row 14
Giant pumpkin wins best actor Oscar Row 15
Electronic ID forged Row 16
1098 The day has 30 hours Row 17
Groceries delivered to South Pole Row 18
World peace on the moon Row 19
Toaster invented Row 20
Billionaire wins the lottery Row 21
Automatically controlled car drives by itself Row 22
Pizza grows on trees Row 23
Pigeons deliver mail Row 24
1142 Toaster embraces inner toast Row 25
1184 War between the continents Row 26
1013 Octopus claims the throne Row 27
Octopus solves Rubik's Cube Row 28
Rainbow sprinkles rain down Row 29
1104 Vampires complain about daylight Row 30
Unicorns solve climate change Row 31
Afri-Cola goes bankrupt Row 32
House owner sells house Row 33
Goldfish hold musical concert Row 34
Raining donuts sparks joy Row 35
Wiesbaden May Festival ends uneasily Row 36
Solar energy impossible Row 37
Spider plague in Munich Row 38
Eminem sings German folk song Row 39
Supermarket open downtown Row 40
Page 2
Fanatic waves a banner Row 41
Pigs learn to fly Row 42
Weekend is extended Row 43
1111 Casino prohibits memory athletes Row 44
Pirates find lost library Row 45
Pink elephant discovered in Botswana Row 46
Bikes grow legs and run Row 47
Window cleaner dies at the gallows Row 48
Jupiter's moon becomes habitable for humans Row 49
Vegetables debate euthanasia Row 50
Fans cool down the city Row 51
Dinosaurs join knitting club Row 52
The sixth finger is developed Row 53
Queen adopts a unicorn Row 54
Pigs fly during election Row 55
Unicorns start texting Row 56
Invisible woman submits application Row 57
Hiccups solve ancient mystery Row 58
The main square becomes a campsite Row 59
Ducks hold a meeting Row 60
Panda solves Rubik's Cube Row 61
Llamas compete in gymnastics Row 62
1030 Tornado hosts dance-off Row 63
Harry Potter film part 37 released Row 64
Penguin wins chess tournament Row 65
1057 Pigs fly, grounded pigs upset Row 66
Clouds paint the sky. Row 67
Bear eats all the blueberries Row 68
1047 Princess is crowned Row 69
1198 Balder born Row 70
1033 Vampires open a dentist office Row 71
Dinosaurs start a band Row 72
Giraffes run for president Row 73
University is shutting down Row 74
Unicorn accidentally books airplane ticket Row 75
Superheroes run for mayor Row 76
1157 Rabbits deliver mail daily Row 77
Bohlen wears a corset Row 78
1050 Artist goes to the dentist Row 79
Dinosaurs host a cooking show Row 80
Page 3
Moon loves the Sun Row 81
Robot learns to speak Row 82
Solar cells in sunbeds saves environment Row 83
Glass prohibited Row 84
Dust bunnies declare independence Row 85
All gemstones have been found Row 86
Happiness stands with the tedious bee Row 87
Ghosts throw a masquerade Row 88
1125 Keyboard sorted alphabetically Row 89
Pigs fly over mountains Row 90
Storm over Europe Row 91
Teenager wins swimming competition Row 92
Balloon animals become activists Row 93
Ghosts take up yoga Row 94
1195 Construction of the first railway house Row 95
1008 Student passes the exam Row 96
Everyone hickups simultaneously Row 97
Weather channels start betting Row 98
1089 Foam bath filled Row 99
Extraterrestrials live among humans Row 100
Hedgehogs create a ballet company Row 101
First marathon under 2 hours Row 102
Fish debate politics at local diner Row 103
1100 King stands for election Row 104
Library books escape for wild adventure Row 105
Smoking will be allowed Row 106
Compass points south Row 107
Abandoned theme park becomes wildlife refuge Row 108
Pineapple wins Nobel Prize Row 109
Death is on vacation Row 110
Chemist is sued Row 111
Whales go on safari Row 112
Flying cars cause traffic in clouds Row 113
Dinosaurs host annual karaoke competition Row 114
1132 First cycling competition with spikes Row 115
Robot dog wins beauty pageant Row 116
Homeowner says his house Row 117
1157 Murderers all go free Row 118
Library books gossip about patrons' lives Row 119
Bicycles win gold medals Row 120
Page 4
Prison inmate breeds love birds Row 121
Jump of the world's largest bell Row 122
Haunted house votes in Row 123
Bedtime disappears completely Row 124
1167 UFO seen in Walmart Row 125
Gnome builds rocket to outer garden Row 126
Fall of the old Tsar Row 127
Strike is extended Row 128
Meteor shower grants wishes to all Row 129
Rainbows appear in color Row 130
1016 Mermaids open beach resort Row 131
Teachers are going on strike Row 132
Television interviews Bigfoot Row 133
Baby born with 4 arms Row 134
1108 Record-breaking cheese rolling Row 135
Pensioner starving despite minimum pension Row 136
Theatre opens Row 137
Unicorn rents apartment Row 138
Cats take over Congress Row 139
Fairies take on taxes Row 140
Dinosaurs adopt kittens Row 141
Magic hat makes pizza Row 142
1088 Dinosaur fashions hit runway Row 143
Flood in the Sahara Row 144
Fairies lose their wings Row 145
Taxishaped galaxy found Row 146
Chocolate chips go missing Row 147
Radiator explodes Row 148
Worm marries chameleon Row 149
Rainbows turn into highways Row 150
Fish learn to speak Row 151
1193 Smallest Shetland pony bred Row 152
Self-driving lawn mowers Row 153
New machine invented Row 154
Ducks take over office Row 155
Ice cream truck with wings Row 156
Butterflies teach math classes Row 157
Superman marries Catwoman Row 158
Red Army returns Row 159
Ghosts run for mayor Row 160
Page 5
Fish hold debate Row 161
Step bars as standard sports equipment Row 162
Glasses made of diamond Row 163
Mathematics proves to be deceitful Row 164
1138 Goldfish holds presidential debate Row 165
1161 Invention is redone Row 166
Boss fires the entire staff Row 167
Sharks start book club Row 168
Dreams sold in stores next week Row 169
Renovation of the Völkermuseum Row 170
Voting rights for children Row 171
Hitchhiker king in the Guinness Book Row 172
Doctor becomes ill Row 173
Invisible ink spills gossip Row 174
Pharaoh builds Colossus Row 175

Raw score: 24, Points: 169.01