Historic Dates - English

Time remaining: 410

Page 1
Paperclips form a union Row 1
All roads lead to Gothenburg Row 2
Sassy cactus gives advice Row 3
Train accident at the North Pole Row 4
Everyone dreams the same dream Row 5
Council in Worms Row 6
Snowmen successfully migrate south Row 7
Rainbow chicken lays eggs Row 8
Fountains spout glitter instead of water Row 9
Wrestling match misjudged Row 10
Giraffe wins best-dressed award Row 11
Gnomes organize a marathon Row 12
Yeti photographed Row 13
Indians use nicotine patches. Row 14
Cars powered by laughter Row 15
Salt replaces sugar Row 16
Time travelers visit a picnic Row 17
Ruffian attacked by rabbits Row 18
New sweetener is invented Row 19
Weather will get better again Row 20
Means against ADHD discovered Row 21
Dragon trains to swim Row 22
End of the rainy season Row 23
Monkeys launch into space Row 24
Robots host cooking show Row 25
President re-elected for the fifth time Row 26
Alien invasion canceled due to rain Row 27
Wizards run for mayor Row 28
Films are shown on all walls Row 29
Computer virus infects humans Row 30
Robots write haikus together Row 31
Seven-step new Olympic discipline Row 32
Teleporting cats become pets Row 33
Ice age in Turkey Row 34
Volcano erupts lemonade. Row 35
Mice hold a dance competition Row 36
Pineapples announce candidacy for presidency Row 37
Golfer hits a perfect strike Row 38
Chef burns sausages Row 39
The same day happens twice Row 40
Page 2
Aliens pick up trash Row 41
Villager suddenly speaks Spanish Row 42
Fish learn to speak Row 43
Big hole at the North Pole Row 44
Fish gives keynote speech Row 45
Sprinter sets 100m record Row 46
Dinosaurs open a bakery Row 47
Pharaoh builds Coliseum Row 48
The whole earth covered with clouds Row 49
1964 Shooting sports becomes Olympic Row 50
Cows start writing poetry Row 51
Sled broken Row 52
Quantum phenomenon explained Row 53
Socks unite in search for partners Row 54
Turtles conquer city streets Row 55
Chickens master karaoke Row 56
Flying cars malfunction spectacularly Row 57
Laundry folds itself magically Row 58
1017 1. Year in Review in February Row 59
One reads three books daily Row 60
Toaster competes in Olympics Row 61
Unfrozen caveman runs for mayor Row 62
Gorillas start fashion line Row 63
Library books demand late fees back Row 64
Wizards create reality TV shows Row 65
Edge found Row 66
New body imaging Row 67
Lovers break up over the couch Row 68
Cow eats local newspaper Row 69
Test is incorrectly evaluated Row 70
Mice take over the library Row 71
Clouds become sentient beings Row 72
Cats establish colony Row 73
Faulty vacuum cleaner catches fire Row 74
Sun flies into space Row 75
Car parks itself Row 76
Chocolate river created accidentally Row 77
Zombies open a restaurant Row 78
Burka ban announced Row 79
Socks mysteriously multiply in drawers Row 80
Page 3
Elderly man flies kite Row 81
Galapagos discovered Row 82
Drunks sober up Row 83
Tornado hosts dance-off Row 84
Diver chased by dolphin Row 85
1696 Candle burns for 20 years Row 86
Builder elected as president Row 87
Drug addict dies Row 88
Scientists discover new atom Row 89
Faroe Islands football world champions Row 90
Trolls move to the rainforest Row 91
Razor discovered Row 92
1435 Apocalypse No. 107 Row 93
Time freezes, snack break becomes eternal Row 94
Talking fish write memoir Row 95
Wizards cast spells in parks Row 96
1978 Rain falls up Row 97
Bride disappears Row 98
Urban garden surprises squirrels Row 99
India sells all gold Row 100
Keyboard sorted alphabetically Row 101
Chameleon hides Row 102
Clouds organize weather dance Row 103
Artichokes form a band Row 104
Grass whispers secrets loudly Row 105
One with two brains found Row 106
Government takes permanent vacation Row 107
Knight's dinner in downtown London Row 108
Japan invades China Row 109
Marshmallow city melts away Row 110
Lizards start a band Row 111
Singularity dates mankind Row 112
Pope needs new pumps Row 113
Gangster boss Al Capone convicted Row 114
Candy corn found in caves Row 115
Surgeon operates on gnomes Row 116
Shot put championship Row 117
Many have seen the movie Thor Row 118
Horses ride humans Row 119
Camels take over power Row 120
Page 4
Braunschweig burns down Row 121
1675 Mohammed of Ghur in North India Row 122
Giraffe learns to skateboard expertly Row 123
First time-travel Row 124
Vampires start gardening Row 125
Lightsaber duel in courtroom Row 126
Unicorns build a rainbow bridge Row 127
Laser cats battle ninjas Row 128
Superman marries Catwoman Row 129
The tallest tower in the world Row 130
Fish teaches yoga Row 131
Missile fired in the desert Row 132
Robot toaster steals spotlight Row 133
Treasure chests lost Row 134
Wizards open a bakery Row 135
Dancing cabbage competes nationally Row 136
Time freezes for tourists Row 137
Invisible walls protect cities Row 138
John has no followers Row 139
Award-winning vegetables are found Row 140
Eagles become fashion models Row 141
Dinosaurs create sitcoms Row 142
Moon pancakes found rare Row 143
Bathrooms become adventure zones Row 144
Piano plays itself at night Row 145
Computer learns to speak Row 146
Porcupines learn acrobatics Row 147
Balloons become currency Row 148
Pineapples learn to sing Row 149
Trees play hide and seek Row 150
Boxing match in Mexico Row 151
Terrorist attack in India Row 152
Breathing becomes unnecessary Row 153
Fairy dust accidentally fuels flying bicycles Row 154
The new map of Europe Row 155
Aliens open a diner Row 156
Chickens form rock band Row 157
Rainbows declared national treasure Row 158
Whales exterminated Row 159
Judge resigns Row 160
Page 5
Magic mirrors give unsolicited life advice Row 161
Robots audition for ballet Row 162
Invisible ink invents book club Row 163
1922 Time travelers lose their sunglasses forever Row 164
Peace between Mars and Earth Row 165
Words get stuck in the throat Row 166
Baking contest in zero gravity Row 167
Superheroes open flower shop Row 168
Longest carnival parade Row 169
Miniature elephants replace traditional lawn gnomes Row 170
1599 Cup won Row 171
Squirrels form a band Row 172
Cats finally speak fluently Row 173
1851 FIFA World Cup cancelled Row 174
1799 Fantasy creatures form union to negotiate Row 175

Raw score: 10, Points: 70.42