Historic Dates - English

Time remaining: 411

Page 1
Grapes hold jury duty Row 1
Clouds compete in races Row 2
New jam invented Row 3
Zombies take cooking lessons Row 4
Dinosaurs run for office Row 5
Cesar cuts his finger Row 6
1883 Runner runs too fast Row 7
Squirrels run for mayor Row 8
Coffee beans grow legs Row 9
Skunk aroma perfume discontinued Row 10
The rainbow is shot down Row 11
Computers develop personalities Row 12
Cactus holds musical concert Row 13
Penguins learn to moonwalk Row 14
Universities for all Row 15
Copernicus learns words Row 16
Computer learns to speak Row 17
Elves start a band Row 18
End of the world discovered Row 19
Vampire joins book club Row 20
Plants win lottery Row 21
Mars' moon habitable Row 22
Cold is eradicated Row 23
Chemistry lesson is repeated Row 24
Lifewest latest fashion Row 25
Sock puppets debate politics Row 26
Books start debating politics Row 27
2039 Call P1 broadcasted on P3 Row 28
Frogs use cell phones Row 29
Castaway smokes chocolate cigarette Row 30
Wizards argue about spelling Row 31
Dog accompanies owner to the park Row 32
Library books come to life Row 33
Germany is papal again Row 34
Computer production ceases Row 35
Vampires open a pizzeria Row 36
Floating islands discovered far Row 37
Life on other planets a bluff Row 38
Dissolution of Parliament Row 39
Flight route is discontinued Row 40
Page 2
Everyone has robot hands Row 41
Honk concert after World Cup victory Row 42
Time travel book released Row 43
Talking vending machines solve existential crises Row 44
Sneezing dogs change weather Row 45
Flags are prohibited Row 46
Politician tells the truth Row 47
Spanish will be a world language Row 48
1658 Dwarf rides giant snail Row 49
Octopus authors a cookbook Row 50
1701 30-inch laptop developed Row 51
The Holy Grail is found Row 52
Portland wins NBA Row 53
Camel stops smoking Row 54
Hammock hangs between high-rise buildings Row 55
Pears with apple flavor cultivated Row 56
Clouds start a bakery Row 57
Gnomes host annual gardening Olympics Row 58
Invisible cats declared legal Row 59
Cats throw a party Row 60
Shop changes direction Row 61
Waltzing walnuts dominate talent show Row 62
Clouds organize a soccer match Row 63
Antique sign auctioned Row 64
Martians host reality show Row 65
The speaker gets scabies Row 66
Aliens attend gardening workshop Row 67
Fairies conduct traffic safety Row 68
Anglo-Saxons attack Row 69
Everyone remembers their own birthday Row 70
Balance wheel invented Row 71
Magic beans flood city Row 72
Bears run for mayor of town Row 73
Amazon grows back Row 74
Amazon greets back Row 75
Premiere in virtual theater Row 76
Taxes banished Row 77
Pears grow on trees Row 78
Library books tell jokes at night Row 79
Cactus grows a mustache Row 80
Page 3
Fly leaves the atmosphere Row 81
Silicon war in California Row 82
Invisible woman starts blog Row 83
Dolphin captain on the boat Row 84
Book fair in the parliament building Row 85
Yeti gets bad cold Row 86
Penguins execute perfect ballet Row 87
Cancer vaccine invented Row 88
First Dutchman steps on the moon Row 89
Giraffe breaks high jump record Row 90
The army resigns Row 91
The engineering program is being discontinued Row 92
Football player scores blindfolded Row 93
Police officer solves the mystery Row 94
Animated chairs compete nationally Row 95
Eclips of moon Row 96
Fish organize a concert Row 97
Hells Angels defector becomes prime minister Row 98
Brown mass causes disease Row 99
Gnomes build cyber café Row 100
Smartphones develop their own personalities Row 101
Cow gives birth to goat Row 102
Valentine's tree plants itself Row 103
Aliens declare pizza week Row 104
Martian chefs open diner Row 105
Eels meander Row 106
Giant flowers grow Row 107
Giant plants start blogging Row 108
Llamas become fur fashion icons Row 109
Fantastical creatures vote on new anthem Row 110
Carpenter builds wooden car Row 111
Penguins host a gala Row 112
Beach is flooded by tourists Row 113
Vodka-flavored toothpaste trend emerges Row 114
Time travelers forget to return home Row 115
Butterflies steal sunglasses Row 116
A queen was born Row 117
Time travelers create paradox pizza chain Row 118
Wolves bake cookies Row 119
Porn actor receives Nobel Prize Row 120
Page 4
Balloon animals gain autonomy Row 121
Bees bake pumpkin pie Row 122
Talking shoes debate fashion Row 123
Chinese train in the bathroom Row 124
Piano sings to audience Row 125
Rock concerts in space Row 126
Magic broom captures thieves Row 127
Washington has become clean at 30°C Row 128
Banker donates bonus to charity Row 129
"Brain" takes over the world Row 130
1318 Moon disappears for vacation Row 131
Unicorns discover selfie sticks Row 132
1555 Robots become Olympic athletes Row 133
Alien hitchhiker asks for directions home Row 134
Unruly spaghetti builds empire Row 135
Diploma for big head Row 136
Dancing flamingos take over ballet class Row 137
Snow chaos in Berlin Row 138
Robot invents a dessert Row 139
Giraffe joins the circus Row 140
Snowman wins dance competition Row 141
Dragon becomes security guard Row 142
Fairies start corporation Row 143
Vegetables create their own festival Row 144
Time traveler crashes wedding, steals cake Row 145
Sweaters given sentience Row 146
Invisible man invents glasses for visibility Row 147
Gorilla learns sign language Row 148
Dogs train humans for obedience Row 149
Unicorns attend university Row 150
Rainbows deliver settlement checks Row 151
Author’s new novel Row 152
Triangular parking lot still empty Row 153
Toasters battle against microwaves Row 154
Dancing robots invade party Row 155
Vegetables develop personalities Row 156
Prohibition prohibited Row 157
Robots attend therapy sessions Row 158
Hedgehog secretly running underground racing circuit Row 159
Plants start tweeting Row 160
Page 5
Socks reveal secrets when washed Row 161
Wizards create emoji language Row 162
All of Europe is flooded Row 163
Someone publishes their first book Row 164
Tree chases nests away Row 165
Haunted remote control rewired Row 166
1398 Mom breastfeeds the baby Row 167
Trees start talking Row 168
Disco dancing leads to time travel Row 169
Moon turns blue Row 170
Talking plants form a rock band Row 171
GPS system shuts down Row 172
Weather forecast predicts rainbows Row 173
Fairies start reality show Row 174
New haircut: hair inwards Row 175

Raw score: 7, Points: 49.3