Historic Dates - English

Time remaining: 718

Page 1
Skateboarding to school mandatory Row 1
1497 Napoleon resigns Row 2
Clouds change their names Row 3
Bicycles compete in ballroom dance Row 4
Pears grow on trees Row 5
Robots granted same rights as people Row 6
Marian sighting in Marktl Row 7
Fairy lost her magic wand again Row 8
Monkey drives a car Row 9
Razor discovered Row 10
Pizza delivery on hoverboard Row 11
Mirror cracks in the boat Row 12
Aliens crash comedy club Row 13
Plants start a revolution Row 14
Chickens become world leaders Row 15
Telescopic universe looks beginning Row 16
Bad rhyme traps the poet Row 17
Soccer player gets divorced Row 18
Picasso's painting stolen Row 19
War with Atlantis Row 20
Unicorns hold elections Row 21
Safari show at the Olympic Stadium Row 22
Giraffe released from the zoo Row 23
Monk clears litter Row 24
Dolphins start podcast about ocean news Row 25
Dinosaurs debate modern politics Row 26
Hard rock appears in opera Row 27
Pineapples compete in marathons Row 28
Robots learn to juggle Row 29
Ducks lead meditation retreat Row 30
Horse wins rosette Row 31
First journey through teleportation Row 32
1404 Battle of Bonn Row 33
1499 Cartoons compulsory at school Row 34
Burial find in Egypt Row 35
Robots take comedy seriously Row 36
Robots join the choir Row 37
Books start telling stories Row 38
Uncle becomes maternal uncle Row 39
Robot pets rebel against owners Row 40
Page 2
Butterflies send text messages Row 41
Tacos hold town hall meeting Row 42
Fairies hold the Olympics Row 43
Books complain about readers Row 44
Mermaids start swim lessons Row 45
Ice cream grows on trees Row 46
Trees start leaving home Row 47
Aliens open taco stand on Earth Row 48
Corn in all food products Row 49
First dog born in space Row 50
Train is delayed Row 51
Grannies beat world drone record Row 52
Piggy bank gets piglets Row 53
Pillows start talking back Row 54
Priest converts to Buddhism Row 55
Whales stroll through parks Row 56
Fairies build skyscraper Row 57
Snowmen run for mayor Row 58
Kittens host crime show Row 59
Ghosts take online courses Row 60
Double wedding in Spain Row 61
Socks host annual hide-and-seek championship Row 62
Compass points south Row 63
Goldfish find lost treasure underwater Row 64
1496 Nobel Peace Prize awarded Row 65
Nuclear strike on Berlin Row 66
Dancing vegetables unite peacefully Row 67
Watermelon fills with water Row 68
Unicorns invade birthday party Row 69
New language invented Row 70
Killer games are banned Row 71
Cats start subcommunities Row 72
Spring roll bursts in restaurant Row 73
Fairies launch streaming service Row 74
Friendly dragon opens bakery Row 75
Schoolbus drives round the world Row 76
Pets demand equal rights at rally. Row 77
Goblins win the lottery Row 78
Business magazine is discontinued Row 79
Yeti becomes social media influencer Row 80
Page 3
Ski jumping in Johannesburg Row 81
Talking vending machines offer life advice Row 82
Butterflies organize flight school Row 83
Indians discovered Europe. Row 84
Actor runs from crowd Row 85
Telephones learn to gossip Row 86
Pets apply for jobs Row 87
Alien moves to Mars Row 88
Magic mushrooms inspire artists Row 89
Birth of octuplets Row 90
New field in medicine Row 91
Pause resigns Row 92
1470 World War has ended Row 93
Neutron star goes dark Row 94
Berlin has burned down Row 95
Lipstick for girls Row 96
Amazon grows back Row 97
Eagle performs opera Row 98
Giraffes become top models Row 99
Airplane flies into space Row 100
Goldfish saves the day Row 101
Spaghetti monster declares national pasta day Row 102
Pigs fly in synchronized formations Row 103
Wizard sells magic beans Row 104
Cupcakes argue over frosting flavors fiercely Row 105
Mammoet reborn Row 106
Fairies open a tattoo parlor Row 107
Aliens take over sitcoms Row 108
Finance minister imprisoned for embezzlement Row 109
Medieval knights win spelling bee Row 110
Cats invent new internet language Row 111
Skier loses ski Row 112
Unicorn accidentally books airplane ticket Row 113
Invisible man attends lecture Row 114
Cow eats bull Row 115
Genghis Khan rides horse Row 116
Tallest human dies Row 117
Tax is discovered Row 118
Cold is life-threatening Row 119
1012 Flying cats take over park Row 120
Page 4
Airplanes on the highway Row 121
Balloons start talking back Row 122
Firefighter fired for poor work Row 123
Germany closed for inventory purposes Row 124
Penal Code rewritten Row 125
Rainbows made of jelly Row 126
Bee swarm stops netball match Row 127
Einstein born Row 128
Last jungle cleared Row 129
Robot serves tea beautifully Row 130
Strike among kitchen workers Row 131
Engagement of Birgit and Martin Row 132
Attached file falls off Row 133
Chef burns sausages Row 134
Chestnut is thrown at guests Row 135
Peach juice with mallow flavor Row 136
Museum burned down Row 137
Aliens discover Earth’s best pizza Row 138
Religion ceases Row 139
Time travelers host tea party Row 140
Bikes grow legs and run Row 141
Jeans with holes are popular Row 142
Policeman convicted of theft Row 143
Laundry detergent takes over universe Row 144
Clouds sneeze sparkling rain Row 145
Roosters hold city elections Row 146
Rhymes become law Row 147
The Earth stops spinning Row 148
Queen builds pyramid Row 149
Zeppelin transports 10,000th passenger Row 150
World Cup is closed down Row 151
Socks join marathon Row 152
Refugees refuse to flee Row 153
Talking birds spread news Row 154
Competition in wrestling Row 155
Tea is more expensive than oil Row 156
Cat starts online business Row 157
Fishermen catch eels Row 158
Dust bunnies start revolution Row 159
Jelly beans plan secret world takeover Row 160
Page 5
George Bush voted out Row 161
Hairdresser cuts lion's mane Row 162
Poltergeist moves out Row 163
Alien orders coffee daily Row 164
Fan shop opens Row 165
Dragon flies banner plane Row 166
Magical chocolate factory revealed in Switzerland Row 167
Clothing accused in court Row 168
Mermaids host beach parties Row 169
Piano-playing octopus named Oscar Row 170
Aircraft crash in the Sahara Row 171
National team loses World Cup Row 172
Good food is invented Row 173
New American state discovered Row 174
Dreams exchanged for candy Row 175

Raw score: 6, Points: 42.25