Historic Dates - English

Time remaining: 771

Page 1
2051 Goldfish speaks fluent Spanish Row 1
2005 Record in shaving Row 2
1085 Libraries now host silent concerts weekly Row 3
1304 Kittens host crime show Row 4
1299 Balloon animals form their own nation Row 5
1331 The Aztecs invent zero Row 6
1003 Ice saints moved to April Row 7
1877 Oak faints Row 8
1204 Mars declares independence Row 9
Invention of calm alarms Row 10
Eyelashes create secret language Row 11
Compression socks become fashionable Row 12
Bird falls out of the tree Row 13
Wrestling becomes a school subject Row 14
Boxer sleeps in box Row 15
Dragon teaches children math Row 16
Robot runs for president Row 17
Beautiful jug designed Row 18
The people stop paying bills Row 19
An allian elected president Row 20
Robots compete in Olympic-style events Row 21
Pigs airbrush graffiti masterpieces Row 22
Coffee beans grow legs Row 23
Industry is changing direction. Row 24
Aliens smoke cloud of magic Row 25
Students get course as homework Row 26
Industrial area contaminated Row 27
Memory gymnastics mandatory in schools Row 28
Robot dogs learn ballet Row 29
England is broke Row 30
Missing ducks found again Row 31
Ghost starts online cooking class Row 32
Clouds change color nightly Row 33
Unknown disease kills millions Row 34
Frogs become fluent talkers Row 35
Bubble wrap grows sentient Row 36
Campaign against the Swedes Row 37
Office opened in Riga Row 38
A mirror starts a diary Row 39
Doll is sold in grocery store Row 40
Page 2
American Republicans become Democrats Row 41
Cream whipped into parmesan Row 42
Competitive knitting league forms Row 43
Dinosaurs throw dinner party Row 44
New piano with extra key Row 45
Socks find their perfect matches Row 46
Russian drama becomes Hollywood success Row 47
Greece sells its islands Row 48
China is communist again Row 49
End of the world discovered Row 50
Mermaids start a podcast Row 51
Dinosaurs run for senate Row 52
Books write themselves spontaneously Row 53
Yeti becomes fashion designer Row 54
Pizza cats deliver news Row 55
Grandma wins dance-off Row 56
Vodka-flavored toothpaste trend emerges Row 57
Pineapple escapes pizza convention Row 58
Airplane lands on island Row 59
Penguins discover fire Row 60
Physiotherapist breaks an arm Row 61
Big cucumber lifted near Gerolstein Row 62
Sail is blowing away Row 63
Whale runs aground Row 64
Landmines are prohibited Row 65
Universities for all Row 66
Clouds form new languages Row 67
Plank put over Grand Canyon Row 68
Robot pandas are city officials Row 69
Spanish colony becomes Russian Row 70
Mermaids win gold medal Row 71
Rabbits give motivational speeches Row 72
SpongeBob exists in reality Row 73
Coding classes for owls Row 74
Giant marshmallow blocks traffic Row 75
Invisible ink leads mystery Row 76
Marriage for animals legalised Row 77
Unicorns sign trade agreement Row 78
Cactus grows arms Row 79
Crayons declare independence Row 80
Page 3
Santa goes on vacation Row 81
Lightning becomes a musician Row 82
Club of Giants founded Row 83
Penguins advocate for policies Row 84
Square becomes round Row 85
Cats write political papers Row 86
Zombies open a restaurant Row 87
Little toe stumbles forward Row 88
Robot sings pop songs Row 89
BBC reporter abducted in Gaza Row 90
Gnomes request labor rights Row 91
Bubble wrap becomes currency Row 92
Cat successfully flies Row 93
Talking carpets spread humor Row 94
Ninjas run bake sale Row 95
Dinosaurs become popular mascot for school. Row 96
Fish debate politics at local diner Row 97
Female president in China Row 98
The nose regresses Row 99
Sasquatch becomes Instagram star Row 100
UN moves to March Row 101
Rugby becomes a national sport Row 102
Lost keys found dancing Row 103
Brainwashing abolished as an interrogation method Row 104
Canada is annexed Row 105
Parrots start podcasting daily Row 106
Dr. Kolb runs a marathon Row 107
Adoptive parents have a child Row 108
Sharks throw a party Row 109
Cats learn to talk Row 110
England discovers Row 111
Balloons revolt against helium Row 112
Dinosaurs restart their careers Row 113
Talking fish gives advice Row 114
All electricity comes to an end Row 115
Car companies become electric companies Row 116
Detectives solve mysteries with hearts Row 117
Dogs win chess tournament Row 118
Thief dating policeman Row 119
Prince rides home Row 120
Page 4
Fabric hammer invented Row 121
Film industry destroyed Row 122
More help for Africa demanded Row 123
History professor revealed as a fraud Row 124
Laser pointer points out the treasure Row 125
Coffee beans explode worldwide Row 126
Blood thicker than milk Row 127
Rainbows discovered to be edible Row 128
Eagle becomes mayor Row 129
Astronaut's suit malfunctions Row 130
Bread starts gossiping Row 131
Librarians duel with books Row 132
Dragon runs for mayor, promises pizza Row 133
Fairies start a band Row 134
School bus takes children to casino Row 135
Mirrors reflect future selfies Row 136
Rainbows found in pockets Row 137
Giant ashtray discovered in elevator Row 138
Robots compete in cooking contests Row 139
Employees work in swimsuits Row 140
Dancing broccoli takes stage Row 141
Laundry becomes reality show Row 142
Moon becomes tourist destination Row 143
Computer smarter than humans Row 144
Healthcare free for all Row 145
Telescopic universe looks beginning Row 146
Cheeta runs slov Row 147
First World Championship for children Row 148
Krefeld wins city prize Row 149
Banshees win karaoke tournament Row 150
Laundry behaves like people Row 151
Cats discover time travel through naps Row 152
The first crossword puzzle Row 153
Talking chairs have seating debates Row 154
Rubber ducks form union Row 155
Quantum phenomenon explained Row 156
Queen is dethroned Row 157
Poltergeist moves out Row 158
Zeppelin is listing Row 159
Rainbows turn into weather forecasting apps Row 160
Page 5
Library books bring snacks Row 161
Time travel is legalized Row 162
New plane found Row 163
Rainbows appear in polka dot patterns Row 164
First appearance of the dormouse legend Row 165
Zombie chef creates delicacy Row 166
Kittens organize a heist Row 167
Bamboo grows gold leaves Row 168
Luxembourgers occupy France Row 169
Coffee wakes up the world Row 170
Giraffes hold a conference Row 171
Robin wears new costume Row 172
Processor sentenced to electric chair Row 173
Stolen pizza from aliens Row 174
Tourism is taxed Row 175

Raw score: 8, Points: 56.34