Historic Dates - English

Time remaining: 25

Page 1
1332 Pajama party at the office Row 1
Judge gives sentence of running Row 2
Every day ends with a cliffhanger Row 3
Waiter serves wrong order Row 4
2001 Fish hold annual marathon Row 5
An insect flies Row 6
Earthling aimlessly chats with aliens Row 7
Youth spray graffiti on the wall Row 8
Doppelgängers take over the world Row 9
Elephant learns to memorize birthdays Row 10
Moonlight party for raccoons Row 11
1464 The DGSB begins a new era Row 12
Artist paints priceless masterpiece Row 13
The Milky Way is shrinking Row 14
Mermaids open a bakery Row 15
Unicorns rescue lost tourists Row 16
Wizards teach math at local school Row 17
Children decide over adults Row 18
Religion becomes superfluous Row 19
Chinese will become a global language Row 20
1689 Giant gummy bear saves the day Row 21
High-rise collapses Row 22
Smartphones activate time portals Row 23
Gunboat sunk in the Nile Row 24
Lions apply for jobs Row 25
Chickens fly around town Row 26
Library books bring snacks Row 27
Books begin writing themselves Row 28
Dogs learn foreign languages Row 29
Perfume invented for telepathic communication Row 30
Cacti take ballet lessons Row 31
Whales' language translated Row 32
Flying squirrels start a band Row 33
Sloths compete in Olympics Row 34
New gambling game in Germany Row 35
Gnome builds a rocket ship Row 36
Coffee beans grow on trees Row 37
Clouds start a fashion line Row 38
Turtle learns to dance Row 39
Ice cream vendors drive a cart Row 40
Page 2
Toasters host cooking shows Row 41
Robot teaches ancient philosophy Row 42
Basement transforms into beach Row 43
Goldfish granted citizenship, opens restaurant Row 44
Monkeys build a spaceship Row 45
Penguins wear bow ties Row 46
Penguins learn synchronized dancing Row 47
1032 Principal wins marathon Row 48
Volleyball is the new national sport Row 49
1334 Octopus teaches underwater yoga. Row 50
Books start a rebellion Row 51
Ghosts become tour guides Row 52
Lions stop roaring Row 53
Worm marries chameleon Row 54
Telescope discovered comet Row 55
Monarch supports culture Row 56
Plants sing Broadway hits Row 57
1591 End of television Row 58
Bicycles develop a penchant for racing Row 59
Invisible man drops wallet Row 60
1290 Octopus becomes mayor of underwater city Row 61
Kangaroos plan boxing match Row 62
Banshees win karaoke tournament Row 63
Pensioners receive compensation payment Row 64
Bloodbath in the Black Forest Row 65
Mountain goes to the sea Row 66
Skateboarding to school mandatory Row 67
Oil found in Dortmund Row 68
Bicycle transforms into car Row 69
Megastar crashes Row 70
Toasters battle against microwaves Row 71
Rapids drastically slowed down Row 72
Robot becomes a philosopher Row 73
Haunted fridge causes mayhem Row 74
Aliens take selfies Row 75
All horses become tiny Row 76
Socks unite to protest laundry days Row 77
Unicorns start a band Row 78
Books complain about readers Row 79
Space tourism is starting Row 80
Page 3
1101 Mobile phone madness begins Row 81
The last newspaper is printed Row 82
Telephone booth turns into portal Row 83
The interest club's last note Row 84
1945 Baboon loses house keys Row 85
Magic mirrors reflect people’s true snacks Row 86
Vegetables create their own festival Row 87
Puppies discover time travel Row 88
The whole earth covered with clouds Row 89
Watching TV is forbidden Row 90
Books break free from shelves Row 91
Child found in the basement Row 92
Cactus wins gardening contest Row 93
Alexander the Great is born Row 94
Greatest fireworks in the world Row 95
Championship in mobile phone comparisons Row 96
Dog delivers mail Row 97
Toaster wins presidency Row 98
Fairies start a gardening club Row 99
Pineapples announce candidacy for presidency Row 100
1540 Worms leave the earth Row 101
Mirror reflects absent friends Row 102
Nuclear power plant explodes Row 103
Hemp legalized Row 104
Pigs fly to Hollywood Row 105
Faster computer developed Row 106
Bubbles float to Jupiter Row 107
Peace between Mars and Earth Row 108
Balloons become sentient Row 109
Wish-granting machine malfunctions hilariously Row 110
Superheroes join knitting club Row 111
Robot chef cooks with telepathy Row 112
Decline of the Ping dynasty Row 113
Cat starts online business Row 114
Cerebellum becomes large Row 115
Karaoke contest for ghosts Row 116
End of the world Row 117
Gnomes rearrange the garden Row 118
Battle for Grueningen Row 119
Calendar misses out July Row 120
Page 4
Gnomes start fortune telling Row 121
Socks organize a revolution Row 122
Cloud bursts into laughter Row 123
Cat successfully flies Row 124
King Kong learns to swim Row 125
Fairies open fashion boutique Row 126
Execution is interrupted Row 127
Toasters communicate with each other Row 128
Plants form a union Row 129
Squirrel discovers hidden treasure map Row 130
Giant octopus adopts kitten Row 131
Tunnel is closed Row 132
Laughing plants take over Row 133
Recorder lessons prohibited Row 134
Socks find their mates Row 135
1728 Grasshopper jumps far Row 136
Wizards compete in cooking duel Row 137
1087 Jelly beans plan secret world takeover Row 138
5 weeks of rain Row 139
AVUS is closed Row 140
Recorder invented Row 141
Children's baking studio with chef Markus Row 142
Dachshund swims in noodle soup Row 143
Mermaids start a podcast Row 144
Squirrel serves subpoena Row 145
Grass snake marries chameleon Row 146
Elephant twins Row 147
Banana phone used often Row 148
Spring roll bursts in restaurant Row 149
Aircraft-carrier sinks Row 150
Unicorns take over the fashion industry Row 151
Oasis discovered in the Kalahari Desert Row 152
Cloning attempt successful Row 153
Penguins throw a grand party Row 154
Dr. Brown invents new color Row 155
Talking spoons lead a cooking class Row 156
Ducks invade fashion week Row 157
First time-travel Row 158
TV is self-destructing Row 159
Ancient hamburger found in the fridge Row 160
Page 5
Aliens host intergalactic fashion show Row 161
1661 Famous mathematician passes away Row 162
Vampire runs for council Row 163
Cats form secret society Row 164
Rainbows announce retirement plan Row 165
1328 Robots start a bakery Row 166
Monkeys invent space travel Row 167
Sheep give birth to lambs Row 168
Running a red light Row 169
1606 Aliens adopt Earth cats Row 170
Leopard runs slowly Row 171
Zebra joins circus troupe Row 172
1943 Mirrors reveal alternate dimensions Row 173
Local bakery employs time-bending pastry chefs Row 174
Blacksmith hits the anvil Row 175

Raw score: 17, Points: 119.72