Historic Dates - English

Time remaining: 55

Page 1
1731 Cars develop personalities Row 1
1364 Gelato shop in Antarctica Row 2
Vampires start sunbathing club Row 3
Casserole overcooked for the first time Row 4
Children blow bubbles Row 5
Doughnuts become sentient Row 6
Monkey writes a novella Row 7
The atomic winter begins Row 8
Fireflies form disco club Row 9
Turtle debates hare Row 10
Egyptian mummy dances Row 11
Dinosaurs invent new sport Row 12
Toasters host cooking shows Row 13
Biodynamic farming is prohibited Row 14
1113 Toasters go on strike Row 15
Queen visits Legoland Row 16
Sunshine tastes like lemonade Row 17
Journalists arrested after flower throwing Row 18
Fish shop collapsed Row 19
Gold find in Africa Row 20
Hydrogen-powered car becomes popular Row 21
Everyone has their own haircut Row 22
Marian sighting in Marktl Row 23
Dragon skeleton found Row 24
Penguins learn to ride bicycles Row 25
Dinosaur park opens in downtown Manhattan Row 26
Socks reveal secrets when washed Row 27
Green grass turns blue Row 28
Board games come to life Row 29
Invisible dog breaks leash Row 30
Kangaroos become head chefs Row 31
Weather maps went blank Row 32
Underwater library discovered Row 33
Prison inmate breeds love birds Row 34
Waffles fall from sky Row 35
Parrots teach English class Row 36
1933 Coffee is no longer grown Row 37
Lost socks form underground society Row 38
Battery half charged Row 39
Pineapple juice cheaper than water Row 40
Page 2
2042 Knights duel with rubber chickens Row 41
Goldfish starts online school Row 42
Time traveler crashes wedding, steals cake Row 43
Dinosaurs adopt kittens Row 44
Penguins learn synchronized dancing Row 45
Peer falls for scientist Row 46
1364 Telescopic universe looks beginning Row 47
India stops population growth. Row 48
Unicorn becomes traffic cop Row 49
Clouds take a vacation Row 50
Ban on Smart phones Row 51
Dogs hold talent show Row 52
Cupcake tornado strikes town Row 53
Severed hand sewn back on Row 54
Attack at the film festival Row 55
End of the world Row 56
Draft in the church Row 57
Electricity powered by laughter Row 58
All drugs become legal Row 59
Talking trees hold council Row 60
Mind-reading vegetables emerge Row 61
Wind power covers all energy needs Row 62
Trees gossip about humans Row 63
Superhero loses cape in wind storm Row 64
1744 Frogs play jazz music Row 65
Unicorns discover social media Row 66
Dinosaurs open sushi restaurants Row 67
1124 Soap star takes language lessons Row 68
Talking trees start a book club Row 69
Opening of the first guesthouse Row 70
Goblins steal golf balls Row 71
Gnome grows to ten feet tall Row 72
Feeding of the homeless in Zurich Row 73
Chickens host a film festival Row 74
1491 Opening of the first Japanese bank Row 75
Micronesia submerged Row 76
Gummy bears begin debate club Row 77
Everything is going according to plan Row 78
Three meter long straw falls Row 79
1265 Hapag in insolvency Row 80
Page 3
1892 Cactus no longer stings Row 81
1747 Giants play chess in parks. Row 82
1810 Rain starts singing Row 83
Horse suffers from indigestion Row 84
Talking toaster becomes famous Row 85
Indian fakir demonstrates flying Row 86
Singularity dates mankind Row 87
Biomass for energy production Row 88
Jellybeans become the flavor of diplomacy Row 89
Mountain goes to the sea Row 90
Rome becomes Protestant Row 91
Brewery poisoned Row 92
1268 Cats start teaching math Row 93
Worms build skyscrapers overnight Row 94
1078 Socks roam freely Row 95
Old books live together Row 96
Magnetic resonance tomography broken Row 97
1145 Wizards invented new iPod Row 98
Dragon runs coffee shop Row 99
American president elected by coin toss Row 100
2037 Nuns strike Row 101
3-wheel motorbike tips over Row 102
Cucumbers grow legs and walk Row 103
Witches host a cooking show Row 104
Dinosaurs win baseball championship in 2090 Row 105
Plant pots grow flowers instantly Row 106
Horse whips jockey Row 107
Steffi Graf in Backhingham Row 108
Wildflowers argue about best dance moves Row 109
Fairies start a podcast Row 110
Animal experiments prohibited by law Row 111
Liver lives on Row 112
Quantum leap in coffee brewing Row 113
1638 New diet - eat nothing! Row 114
Monsters take up knitting Row 115
Superheroes start an insurance company Row 116
Robots challenge humans to chess Row 117
Time travelers steal the town’s cat Row 118
Rug making gets common Row 119
Horse insults donkey Row 120
Page 4
Flight attendants are on strike Row 121
Artist exhibits toothache Row 122
Peanut butter shortage declared Row 123
Dragon joins local band Row 124
Lost city discovered beneath candy store Row 125
Entrepreneur retires aged fourteen Row 126
Vampires modernize wardrobe Row 127
King Hannes conquered the Black Forest Row 128
Island with talking animals discovered Row 129
Discovery of Hispaniola Row 130
Glasses made of diamond Row 131
Big Erthquake Row 132
Socks find their missing pairs Row 133
Wildfurs spread rabies Row 134
Sunlight takes a vacation Row 135
Marshmallows evolve into animals Row 136
Photo session Row 137
Schröder in Moscow Row 138
Zombies go on a fitness journey Row 139
Thunderstorms write love letters Row 140
The kitchen is invaded by insects Row 141
Mermaids race in Olympics Row 142
Octopus runs for mayor Row 143
Taxishaped galaxy found Row 144
Sasquatch becomes fitness guru Row 145
Laundry day becomes dance festival Row 146
Rain of marshmallows starts Row 147
Slalom poles painted Row 148
Gardens sing lullabies Row 149
Chocolate fountain floods office Row 150
Bookstore turns into portal Row 151
Dogs play with cats Row 152
Paper transport through Asia Row 153
The main square becomes a campsite Row 154
Caught a grouper Row 155
Beate Uhse founded Row 156
Referee boycotts the World Cup Row 157
Wrestling World Championship Row 158
Robot apologizes for hiccups Row 159
Giant squids hold underwater talent shows Row 160
Page 5
Meeting underwater, fish unite Row 161
First intergalactic soccer match Row 162
Elephants learn to paint Row 163
1921 Talking computer introduced Row 164
Subway between Paris – New York Row 165
Coffee finally gets a personality Row 166
Invention of the nail scissors Row 167
New cinema opened Row 168
Invisible paint unveiled at art show Row 169
Santa's elves start their own band Row 170
Magpie steals shiny credit card Row 171
Brazil bans football Row 172
Ceramic teeth Row 173
Animated chairs compete nationally Row 174
Pineapple pizza debate escalates Row 175

Raw score: 18, Points: 126.76