Historic Dates - English

Time remaining: 306

Page 1
Largest lottery jackpot Row 1
Thunderbolt organizes a rock concert Row 2
Sun becomes self-aware, starts tweeting Row 3
News in world languages Row 4
Robots form a band Row 5
Ghosts host comedy night Row 6
Visit from Sheikh Abdulla Row 7
Wizards play Quidditch in space Row 8
Catapult stops working Row 9
Unicorns discovered in Florida Row 10
New colour discovered Row 11
Grass learns to dance Row 12
Shark surfboards at beach Row 13
This year has 367 days Row 14
Talking shoes become trend Row 15
Aliens propose peace treaty Row 16
Unicorn hosts garage sale Row 17
Fishermen's battle in Norway Row 18
Hundred year-old tree tells sories Row 19
Belly dancing in the Marienplatz Row 20
Panel debate on cat rights Row 21
Books start singing Row 22
Cats try diplomacy Row 23
Ghosts hold a haunting contest annually Row 24
Queen is dethroned Row 25
Telepathy hotline opens Row 26
Time freezes for tourists Row 27
Crocodiles play a big role Row 28
Marco Polo discovers Australia Row 29
Backpack heavy as lead Row 30
1192 Fate does not allow to decide Row 31
Spider spins long Row 32
Robot chef cooks with telepathy Row 33
Snowmen protest winter responsibilities Row 34
Trunk instead of nose in fashion Row 35
Lessons for pilgrimage Row 36
Aliens fail driving test Row 37
Turtles hit the gym Row 38
King Oliver in Castle Wolfsbrunn Row 39
War of the Roses with Tulips Row 40
Page 2
1394 Last intelligent Texan passes away Row 41
The welder prevents pipes from cracking Row 42
Socks develop consciousness, seek freedom Row 43
Trees start talking Row 44
Invisible posters are put up Row 45
Juggler juggles with 30 balls Row 46
Pause resigns Row 47
Infestation of lice Row 48
Eagles initiate bird Olympics, chaos ensues Row 49
Fleet sets sail Row 50
Time freezes during taco Tuesday Row 51
Caramel suffocates crocodile Row 52
1392 Umbrellas set off fireworks Row 53
Fish repair broken hearts Row 54
Time traveler's lunchbox explodes Row 55
Wildflowers argue about best dance moves Row 56
Volcano accidentally vulcanized Row 57
Igloos made of jellybeans Row 58
2081 Kitchen appliances unionize for better treatment Row 59
Floating cities emerge overnight Row 60
Axe named Axel Row 61
Earthquake triggers giant karaoke Row 62
Tomb desecrated Row 63
Honk concert after World Cup victory Row 64
Fish organize underwater dance-off Row 65
Books write their own endings Row 66
Fairies open a nightclub Row 67
Red Sea dried up Row 68
1988 Board wiped clean Row 69
Women best in memory Row 70
2058 Aliens decide to stay Row 71
1629 Campfire party in the pool Row 72
Goldfish become philosophers Row 73
National flags are no longer used Row 74
Green grass turns blue Row 75
Tea import in Iceland Row 76
Rabbits form a book club Row 77
Direct flights to Sydney start Row 78
Crime prevented in Stockholm Row 79
Fish wear tiny hats Row 80
Page 3
Supermarket offers time discounts Row 81
The kitchen is invaded by insects Row 82
Invisible woman successfully opens bakery. Row 83
Invention of the square wheel Row 84
Cake spontaneously sings Row 85
Mermaids challenge humans to chess Row 86
Invisible woman starts blog Row 87
Toilet paper shortage resolved Row 88
Whispering forests warn of impending storms Row 89
Audience boo Hollywood film Row 90
One sounds silly in the microphone Row 91
Mars unveils its first pizza restaurant Row 92
No more tsunamis Row 93
Time flows backward today Row 94
Talking trees teach children about nature Row 95
Pirate squirrels discover treasure Row 96
Inventor Row 97
Glasses made of diamond Row 98
Bees organize festival for world peace Row 99
Kitchen utensils rebel nightly Row 100
Ninjas become postal workers Row 101
Lignite runs out Row 102
Zebra joins circus troupe Row 103
Slaughter on the Kato fields Row 104
Dreams become reality show Row 105
Fairies settle neighborhood disputes Row 106
Al students get A´s Row 107
Toasters become philosophers Row 108
Skyscraper grows wings Row 109
Lost socks form underground society Row 110
Llamas run for office in 2024 Row 111
First game of Scrabble Row 112
Fireflies power electric cars Row 113
Knowledge of immeasurable value Row 114
Magic carpet ride unplanned Row 115
Canary sings in rock band Row 116
1145 Kiwi gives superpowers Row 117
All money is divided equally Row 118
Eyelashes create secret language Row 119
Yeti visits mountain museum in Tyrol Row 120
Page 4
Ship unnoticed transports Atlantis Row 121
Green is a memory lost Row 122
1097 USA divides itself Row 123
Moonlight revealed as paint Row 124
Bib required at luxury restaurant Row 125
Prince Johann is getting married Row 126
Butterflies establish bank system Row 127
First execution Row 128
1151 Blackout in the savannah Row 129
1123 Dragons defend ice cream Row 130
Rubber teeth invented Row 131
1991 Poker is officially declared a sport Row 132
Tomatoes form rock band Row 133
Goldfish play poker nightly Row 134
Ant plague in Hamburg Row 135
UN achieves world peace Row 136
Robot wins poetry contest Row 137
Moonlight dance party planned Row 138
The longest yawn ever Row 139
New organ inaugurated Row 140
Squirrel publishes cookbook Row 141
Steel man moves house Row 142
Simpsons canceled Row 143
Internet stops Row 144
Squirrels hold elections yearly Row 145
Clouds decide to rain Row 146
Count of Carabas marries princess Row 147
Books whisper bedtime stories Row 148
Battle for Grueningen Row 149
Rainbows become travel agencies Row 150
Last Facebook post Row 151
1369 Compasses start pointing east Row 152
Box contains itself Row 153
1909 Film star hosts party Row 154
Fish fly above clouds Row 155
Dinosaurs on roller skates Row 156
Squirrels open fashion boutiques Row 157
1834 Invention of Scrabble Row 158
Fish become expert swimmers Row 159
Balloon animals form their own nation Row 160
Page 5
Basement transforms into beach Row 161
Time travelers steal the town’s cat Row 162
Football played on clouds Row 163
Headteacher starts new school Row 164
Dragon hosts tea party Row 165
Planet earth defeated in battle Row 166
Car companies become electric companies Row 167
Rocket crash in the Atlantic Row 168
1859 Magical shoe store offers teleportation Row 169
Christmas is cancelled Row 170
Balloons negotiate peace treaty Row 171
Operating system "Beautiful View" finished Row 172
Monk cleans up trash Row 173
Piggy bank gets piglets Row 174
Interview with Mabuse Row 175

Raw score: 16, Points: 112.68