Time remaining: 306
Largest lottery jackpot | Row 1 | |
Thunderbolt organizes a rock concert | Row 2 | |
Sun becomes self-aware, starts tweeting | Row 3 | |
News in world languages | Row 4 | |
Robots form a band | Row 5 | |
Ghosts host comedy night | Row 6 | |
Visit from Sheikh Abdulla | Row 7 | |
Wizards play Quidditch in space | Row 8 | |
Catapult stops working | Row 9 | |
Unicorns discovered in Florida | Row 10 | |
New colour discovered | Row 11 | |
Grass learns to dance | Row 12 | |
Shark surfboards at beach | Row 13 | |
This year has 367 days | Row 14 | |
Talking shoes become trend | Row 15 | |
Aliens propose peace treaty | Row 16 | |
Unicorn hosts garage sale | Row 17 | |
Fishermen's battle in Norway | Row 18 | |
Hundred year-old tree tells sories | Row 19 | |
Belly dancing in the Marienplatz | Row 20 | |
Panel debate on cat rights | Row 21 | |
Books start singing | Row 22 | |
Cats try diplomacy | Row 23 | |
Ghosts hold a haunting contest annually | Row 24 | |
Queen is dethroned | Row 25 | |
Telepathy hotline opens | Row 26 | |
Time freezes for tourists | Row 27 | |
Crocodiles play a big role | Row 28 | |
Marco Polo discovers Australia | Row 29 | |
Backpack heavy as lead | Row 30 | |
1192 | Fate does not allow to decide | Row 31 |
Spider spins long | Row 32 | |
Robot chef cooks with telepathy | Row 33 | |
Snowmen protest winter responsibilities | Row 34 | |
Trunk instead of nose in fashion | Row 35 | |
Lessons for pilgrimage | Row 36 | |
Aliens fail driving test | Row 37 | |
Turtles hit the gym | Row 38 | |
King Oliver in Castle Wolfsbrunn | Row 39 | |
War of the Roses with Tulips | Row 40 |
1394 | Last intelligent Texan passes away | Row 41 |
The welder prevents pipes from cracking | Row 42 | |
Socks develop consciousness, seek freedom | Row 43 | |
Trees start talking | Row 44 | |
Invisible posters are put up | Row 45 | |
Juggler juggles with 30 balls | Row 46 | |
Pause resigns | Row 47 | |
Infestation of lice | Row 48 | |
Eagles initiate bird Olympics, chaos ensues | Row 49 | |
Fleet sets sail | Row 50 | |
Time freezes during taco Tuesday | Row 51 | |
Caramel suffocates crocodile | Row 52 | |
1392 | Umbrellas set off fireworks | Row 53 |
Fish repair broken hearts | Row 54 | |
Time traveler's lunchbox explodes | Row 55 | |
Wildflowers argue about best dance moves | Row 56 | |
Volcano accidentally vulcanized | Row 57 | |
Igloos made of jellybeans | Row 58 | |
2081 | Kitchen appliances unionize for better treatment | Row 59 |
Floating cities emerge overnight | Row 60 | |
Axe named Axel | Row 61 | |
Earthquake triggers giant karaoke | Row 62 | |
Tomb desecrated | Row 63 | |
Honk concert after World Cup victory | Row 64 | |
Fish organize underwater dance-off | Row 65 | |
Books write their own endings | Row 66 | |
Fairies open a nightclub | Row 67 | |
Red Sea dried up | Row 68 | |
1988 | Board wiped clean | Row 69 |
Women best in memory | Row 70 | |
2058 | Aliens decide to stay | Row 71 |
1629 | Campfire party in the pool | Row 72 |
Goldfish become philosophers | Row 73 | |
National flags are no longer used | Row 74 | |
Green grass turns blue | Row 75 | |
Tea import in Iceland | Row 76 | |
Rabbits form a book club | Row 77 | |
Direct flights to Sydney start | Row 78 | |
Crime prevented in Stockholm | Row 79 | |
Fish wear tiny hats | Row 80 |
Supermarket offers time discounts | Row 81 | |
The kitchen is invaded by insects | Row 82 | |
Invisible woman successfully opens bakery. | Row 83 | |
Invention of the square wheel | Row 84 | |
Cake spontaneously sings | Row 85 | |
Mermaids challenge humans to chess | Row 86 | |
Invisible woman starts blog | Row 87 | |
Toilet paper shortage resolved | Row 88 | |
Whispering forests warn of impending storms | Row 89 | |
Audience boo Hollywood film | Row 90 | |
One sounds silly in the microphone | Row 91 | |
Mars unveils its first pizza restaurant | Row 92 | |
No more tsunamis | Row 93 | |
Time flows backward today | Row 94 | |
Talking trees teach children about nature | Row 95 | |
Pirate squirrels discover treasure | Row 96 | |
Inventor | Row 97 | |
Glasses made of diamond | Row 98 | |
Bees organize festival for world peace | Row 99 | |
Kitchen utensils rebel nightly | Row 100 | |
Ninjas become postal workers | Row 101 | |
Lignite runs out | Row 102 | |
Zebra joins circus troupe | Row 103 | |
Slaughter on the Kato fields | Row 104 | |
Dreams become reality show | Row 105 | |
Fairies settle neighborhood disputes | Row 106 | |
Al students get A´s | Row 107 | |
Toasters become philosophers | Row 108 | |
Skyscraper grows wings | Row 109 | |
Lost socks form underground society | Row 110 | |
Llamas run for office in 2024 | Row 111 | |
First game of Scrabble | Row 112 | |
Fireflies power electric cars | Row 113 | |
Knowledge of immeasurable value | Row 114 | |
Magic carpet ride unplanned | Row 115 | |
Canary sings in rock band | Row 116 | |
1145 | Kiwi gives superpowers | Row 117 |
All money is divided equally | Row 118 | |
Eyelashes create secret language | Row 119 | |
Yeti visits mountain museum in Tyrol | Row 120 |
Ship unnoticed transports Atlantis | Row 121 | |
Green is a memory lost | Row 122 | |
1097 | USA divides itself | Row 123 |
Moonlight revealed as paint | Row 124 | |
Bib required at luxury restaurant | Row 125 | |
Prince Johann is getting married | Row 126 | |
Butterflies establish bank system | Row 127 | |
First execution | Row 128 | |
1151 | Blackout in the savannah | Row 129 |
1123 | Dragons defend ice cream | Row 130 |
Rubber teeth invented | Row 131 | |
1991 | Poker is officially declared a sport | Row 132 |
Tomatoes form rock band | Row 133 | |
Goldfish play poker nightly | Row 134 | |
Ant plague in Hamburg | Row 135 | |
UN achieves world peace | Row 136 | |
Robot wins poetry contest | Row 137 | |
Moonlight dance party planned | Row 138 | |
The longest yawn ever | Row 139 | |
New organ inaugurated | Row 140 | |
Squirrel publishes cookbook | Row 141 | |
Steel man moves house | Row 142 | |
Simpsons canceled | Row 143 | |
Internet stops | Row 144 | |
Squirrels hold elections yearly | Row 145 | |
Clouds decide to rain | Row 146 | |
Count of Carabas marries princess | Row 147 | |
Books whisper bedtime stories | Row 148 | |
Battle for Grueningen | Row 149 | |
Rainbows become travel agencies | Row 150 | |
Last Facebook post | Row 151 | |
1369 | Compasses start pointing east | Row 152 |
Box contains itself | Row 153 | |
1909 | Film star hosts party | Row 154 |
Fish fly above clouds | Row 155 | |
Dinosaurs on roller skates | Row 156 | |
Squirrels open fashion boutiques | Row 157 | |
1834 | Invention of Scrabble | Row 158 |
Fish become expert swimmers | Row 159 | |
Balloon animals form their own nation | Row 160 |
Basement transforms into beach | Row 161 | |
Time travelers steal the town’s cat | Row 162 | |
Football played on clouds | Row 163 | |
Headteacher starts new school | Row 164 | |
Dragon hosts tea party | Row 165 | |
Planet earth defeated in battle | Row 166 | |
Car companies become electric companies | Row 167 | |
Rocket crash in the Atlantic | Row 168 | |
1859 | Magical shoe store offers teleportation | Row 169 |
Christmas is cancelled | Row 170 | |
Balloons negotiate peace treaty | Row 171 | |
Operating system "Beautiful View" finished | Row 172 | |
Monk cleans up trash | Row 173 | |
Piggy bank gets piglets | Row 174 | |
Interview with Mabuse | Row 175 |